Chapter Twenty - Four.

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The sound of small, almost faint even footsteps began to echo in the back of Draco's mind, but he did not care, for he had gone to sleep late, and intended to stay asleep before tackling the towers of paperwork he needed to fill out. 

At the time, he was asleep in the center of the bed, with his knees brought to his chest, and an arm under his pillow to keep himself comfortable. Harry was on the very edge, an arm and leg hanging off the bed, muttering what he was saying in his dream. 

One of the pillows, the one Harry liked to sleep with, had been thrown off the bed by him. So now, he only had his arm to support him since Draco took up all of the pillows, and liked to wrap himself in almost all of the sheets. 

The footsteps became louder, with the door creaking open as someone stepped into the room. Harry only scrunched his nose, but that was it. None of them bothered to check up on what it was causing the noises. 

Harry felt a light tap on his shoulder. Thinking it was Draco, he swatted the air, muttering, "Dr'y, st'p it." 

This time, Harry was poked on the side of his cheek. "Mm!" He frowned, finally opening his eyes. He saw a short figure with bright green hair, and immediately jumped on the bed. Draco, used to Harry's crazy sleeping habits, turned his back on him, and rolled to the other side of the bed. 

Harry put on his glasses, squinting in order to see who it was that had woken him up. It wasn't until the small figure walked closer to him that he saw who it was. 

With held back tears, Teddy stood, almost unsure on what to do. "Hey, Harry," he said, with Harry noticing a few tears rolling down his cheeks. 

"Teddy? What 're you doin' here, where's your grandmother?" 

"C-can I stay here?" He asked with a shaky voice, an expression of fear written all over his face. Harry knew something was not right, so he shook his head. "Yeah, sure," he replied, "do you want me to take you to your room?" 

"No, I want to stay here... please let me stay here."

"Yeah, okay."

Teddy crawled on to the bed, laying between Draco and Harry, even though he did not notice Draco. Harry sank down back to the edge of the bed when Teddy rested his head on his arm. He waited until the boy's breathing steadied before glaring Draco's way, and kicking him on his back, making him shoot himself from the bed and fall.

"That's it!" he heard Draco grumble from under the bed. "I'm taking the damn couch." 

"Malfoy!" Harry hissed when Draco stood up. "Get back here!" 

Draco pivoted back, his finger pointed right at Harry as he spoke. "No," he whispered angrily, unsure why he was doing that. "It's the third time you've done that, I'm done--" He cut himself off when he noticed a figure sleeping beside Harry. "Who the fuck is on my bed!" he snapped, eyes dangerously shifting back to Harry. 

He began marching towards his husband for an explanation, when he heard him quickly say, "it's Teddy!" in a hushed tone. Draco's nerves ceased, but it didn't last long since a new question came to mind. "What is he doing here?" This time, he'd spoken with worry rather than jealousy and rage. 

"I don't know," Harry answered, careful not to move and wake up the boy. "But he came alone," he implied. 

Through the darkness, Draco's eyes widened, reflecting the little bit of moonlight that sneaked through the curtains. "I'll go," he said before grabbing his wand, a coat, a pair of shoes and walking out of the room. 

Harry sighed heavily, sinking back on his bed. He rested his head on Teddy's, and went back to sleep, fearing the worst for his family. 

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