Chapter Twenty - Five

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When morning came, and Harry noticed that Draco was not back yet, he couldn't help but make his fears grow. Knowing he could not leave Teddy alone, he decided to make him some food since every time he did, a smile spread across his face.

He slid out of the bed and sneaked to the kitchen. He knew that when Draco got back, he would scold him for it, but decided to make some crepes with chocolate chips, whipped cream, and strawberries.

The smell of freshly made food and coffee was enough to wake Teddy up. He shot his head up with a huge smile, only for it to disappear when he noticed that he was alone.

His breathing quickened.

Heartbeat accelerated.

Eyes become heavy with held back tears.

His hair changed into all sorts of colors as a rush of different emotions overwhelmed him, until the worst one of them won over the rest: fear. His hair became a dark shade of purple, feeling empty and alone.

"H-harry?" he managed to choke out, shutting his eyes in hopes the nightmare was over. "Mommy..." he muttered, wanting nothing more than to have his parents.

After a minute of silence in the dimly lit room, Teddy crawled out of bed, and with heavy, small steps, cautiously walked out of the room. He walked downstairs, looking in every room for some sign of life.

And then he heard it-Harry's voice, shouting, "FUCK!" Teddy raced to the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Harry. When he found him as he began to sob.

"Teddy? Why are you crying?" He asked, hiding the hand he'd burned behind his back.

Teddy shook his head, refusing to speak, so Harry wiped away his tears, and tried to reassure the boy with the softest tone possible, "hey, guess what? I made crepe, your favorite, and hot chocolate. Do you want some?"

Teddy simply nodded, worrying Harry even more.

Usually, it took a good bribe to get him to shut up. He loved to let everyone know his thoughts.

"Alright, let me get you some, go take a seat."

"Can I eat in here?"

"Sure, if you can get on the chair," Harry answered, pointing at the high partial table connected to the counter.

Teddy pulled away and climbed his way up the chair that was higher than him by just a little. He sat down, wiping his tears and weakly smiling as Harry added some marshmallow into his cup of hot chocolate.

First Harry gave him a plate of crepes, and then the drink.

Being the picky eater he is, Teddy scanned the plate to make sure that there were no blueberries and only strawberries. "Thank you," he muttered, and Harry nodded in response.

The boy began eating his food in small bites, until he tasted the chocolate chips, and began to eat in larger bites. Harry had only gotten some for himself when he heard Teddy mutter, "can I have more?"

"Sure, how many?"

"Um, three?"

Harry handed Teddy his plate. "Wait, what are you going to eat?" he asked, and Harry raised the cup in his hands. "Coffee," he answered with a grin.

Teddy smiled, and stuffed his face with the extra chocolate chips Harry had put on his plate, expecting to eat in order to get some energy.

The floo fireplace in the drawing room ignited, and from there, Draco appeared. As he stepped into the room, he tossed his coat aside, and as he rolled up his sleeves, walked into the kitchen. Teddy noticed the look in Harry's face, so he looked over his shoulder to see what it was, only to jump off his chair and run towards the blond.

"Lucy! You're awake!" Teddy shouted, his hair becoming platinum blond with joy.

"I am," said Draco, kneeling down to return Teddy's hug. He rested his chin on the boy's shoulder, and looked Harry's way with saddened eyes. Teddy pulled away, jumping a little as he asked, "can you teach me the piano? I have to tell you something."

"Thought you said the piano was lame," Draco replied.

"It is, but I wanna learn it."

"Alright, let me just have a chat with Harry, then I'll meet you in the library."

Teddy shook his head, and sprinted down the hall to the library. Meanwhile, Draco walked towards his husband, taking a seat beside him to rest his head on the table.

Harry began running his fingers through Draco's hair in hopes of helping him relax due to the tenderness he noticed his husband to have.

"Did you go to Andromeda's?"

"Yeah, I went there."

"What happened?"

"I arrived at Andromeda's... she had one of her spells," he mumbled. "She didn't recognize me... I had to break it to her again."

"How did she take it?"

"Like always," Draco shrugged, looking at Harry with glassy eyes. "I don't think she'll be lucid any time soon."

"Where is she now?"

"I sent her to 12 palace. Hopefully the place will help her remember."

"You left her with the order?"

"Yeah, I think it'd do her good. How's Remus?"

"He doesn't want to talk about it, but he seems better."

"Lucy! Draco Lucius!"

Draco sighed. "I'm tired," he muttered, making Harry laugh. "I'm sorry," he said, "maybe you can get more sleep tonight."

"We're eating out for dinner," Draco grumbled, and Harry smiled. "As long as I don't have to cook."

"Lazy," Draco mumbled as sat up.

Harry rolled his eyes, patting the blond on the back. "I better get going; I'll see you and Ted after work."

"Don't have too much fun."

Harry stood up, kissing Draco goodbye. "I'll try not to."


"I'm coming," Draco muttered, stealing Harry's coffee in order to wake up. He scrunched up his face, and clicked his tongue, immediately regretting his decision. "Ugh, I don't understand how you drink black."

"Helps me wake up."

"Well, it's not working," Draco snapped before he and Harry parted ways and started their day.

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