Chapter Twenty - Two

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The hotel was a lavish one; the best one in Tokyo, actually. There was a part in the hotel reserved only to wizards, it was the last four floors, making it really hard to get a reservation.

Unlike the part for muggles, the very last four floors were, to say, less lavish. Instead of looking futuristic like the rest of Tokyo, the floors had a more medieval look, portraying that of a palace.

The floo fireplace at the second lobby lit up, and out walked a ragged blond. He headed to the lady with a maroon suit, conserving her ravishing appearance.

Draco pulled out a potion from his pocket, and drank it all, waiting for the disgusting flavor to vanish before speaking.

"Hello," he said, now speaking in Japanese. "May I know in what room the Malfoys are staying at? I'm their son, Draco Malfoy."

The woman studied Draco for a while, noticing the similarities between him and the blond that had checked in not too long ago. They practically looked like the same person, Draco looking like a younger version of the man.

"Sure thing," she finally said, "just give me a second." She opened up the heavy book in front of her, and aimed her wand at it. The book opened up, its pages turning until reaching a specific section. "Room 575, that's in the 45th level."

Draco lightly tapped on the white desk decorated with gold. "Thank you," he muttered, and the woman nodded and smiled in response.

Not really in the mood for walking, and having already been in the hotel, Draco simply apparated himself to the hall his parents were staying at, and made his way to very end of it, to room 575.

He knocked on the door a couple of times, and it was not long before the door opened. No one was there, so Draco walked in and closed the door behind him, noticing a couple sitting in front of a huge window overseeing Tokyo.

Almost on the edge of the window, sat Lucius in a black leather couch. His hair was tied up into a low ponytail, he had his glasses on, and a book in his hands. Narcissa was beside him. Her hair was in a single braid; she was wearing a floral lace nightdress, and silk ebony robes that covered her up, with her head resting on Lucius lap as he peacefully slept.

Draco walked down the two steps, but stopped in his tracks when his eyes met those of Lucius. The two looked at each other, and Draco began to feel as if it had all been a terrible mistake.

It was not until Lucius spoke that Draco's nerves ceased. "Dragon, I didn't know you were coming, is, Harry with you?"

"No," Draco replied, feeling like a boy once again. "I.." He wryly laughed when he could not come up with the proper set of words. "I came alone."

Lucius looked at his son, then his wife. He knew he had come to talk to her since she knew what to say, but he did not want to wake her up, so he grabbed a pillow, and as he stood up, placed it under her head to cushion her.

"Your clothing is atrocious," he made sure to tell his son as he walked to the mini bar. Draco's eyes fell to the floor. "Sorry, father," he managed to choke out, lowering his head.

Lucius came back with two glasses of bourbon. He guided Draco to a different room, and as they sat in silence, he noticed his son's arm.

"What happened to your arm?"

Draco lifted his brows, a little surprised, before answering the question. "I had an accident at work."

"Back to work already?"

"Yeah, right now I'm just the paper pusher, I'm not cleared until the end of the month."

"Oh," Lucius replied. "So, care to tell me why you came?"

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