Chapter Sixteen.

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Little Hangleton: a village victim to the atrocities of the Riddle family that seemed to never catch a break.

The hit on the Riddle family seemed to be the topic of the town up to this day, for only a couple of years ago, the only survivor and witness of the murders to the Riddle family was killed by no other than Voldemort himself.

The Riddle residence, which was once the jewel of Little Hangleton was the only manor for miles. The gates surrounding the property were now covered ivy, some draping over them, making it virtually impossible to see inside.

A dark cloud passed through the magical barriers around the house, reaching the front entrance. It later converted into a tall blond figure. Draco tied his hair into a man-bun, revealing the fade he had underneath taking place from the start of his ears to the back of his neck, and later on used a simple unlocking charm to walk in.

He'd never been inside the home before, and even though it had been abandoned for years, it seemed relatively cozy.

Outside, grey clouds began covering the sun, therefore candles inside were placed in order to keep the house lit. Some windows were open, yet because the rays of the sun were now hidden, they did very little to light up the house.

Eventually, Draco reached the dining room located parallel to the hall that guided to the drawing room. In the room, Zoe was scolding a small girl with silver straight hair, thin pink lips, porcelain skin, and brown eyes.

The little girl had a small pout, and her eyes became glossy as she tried to keep her emotions under control. With every hiss and threat Zoe threw the girl's way, her little bony hand balled into a fist even more to the point her already pale knuckles lost the small specks of pink they had.

Zoe grabbed the back of the girl's neck, forcing her to look at her. This was when Draco made his presence known. He wanted to draw out his wand, but knew better of it as Greyback, Killian, and the Carrow siblings were in the room watching it all unfold.

Greyback and Killian had been thrown to Azkaban shortly after the war, but they must've gotten out while Draco was in his little slumber.

Zoe jerked her head the blond's way, the murdering glare in her eyes immediately vanishing at the sight of him. A wide smile spread across the woman's face, she let go of the girl, shoving her against the table.

"Malfoy," Zoe said with a soft tone, very different from the one she'd used with the girl, "so delighted you decided to join us."

Draco's eyes were glued on the little girl looking at him with a pleading look. "What is she doing here?" His eyes later shifted to Zoe. "Kids shouldn't be involved in this."

"Please," Zoe scoffed. "She isn't innocent. She has as much business in this meeting as you."

"She is just a kid, what the hell is she doing here?"

"Are you questioning me?" Zoe snapped, stomping Draco's way. She drew out her wand, pressing its tip in his throat. "Trust me, Malfoy. We are no longer alone in your head; here I can can torture you as much as I can, and the wounds will not heal the second I leave...Here you will suffer, so watch it."

Zoe closed the space between her and Draco, her eyes looking over his. "Don't question me, at least not in front of my men. If you have a problem with the way I handle things...we can discuss it more...privately."

Draco could feel his insides turn with disgust at Zoe's implication. He felt like he was betraying Harry, in truth he was, but he felt like he was cheating on him, something he didn't want to do with someone like her.

"What? No remark?" Zoe formed a small pout, ridiculing Draco. "Aw, that's sad." Her face became relaxed with her smile faded away. "Delphi!" She shouted the girl's name. "Scram."

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