Chapter Thirty - Three.

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Harry and Draco were on their own now, but if the story has been followed through properly, in their own way, they have always been on their own. The two took opposite paths. Harry arrived at the hospital with a ragged appearance. In the looby, were Neville and Seamus - with his daughter sleeping after she'd tired herself out with her questioning on where her other father was. And though Harry very much wanted to speak to Neville, he needed to see his children first. Baffling them, Harry pushed past Neville, and walked up the stairs.

And of course, after all this time, Blaise had managed to pick both boys, Sirius and Scorpius, without the nurses fussing about it (mainly because he had placed a confundus charm on the nurse that tried to scold him and tell him to leave the newborns alone). So when Harry walked in and saw Blaise sitting down with two of the triplets, he felt his heart clench. Blaise shouldn't be holding his kids, that should be Draco.

Blaise heard a set of footsteps and looked up. He took one quick look at Harry; his hair was all over the place, clothes muddy, and part of his cheek bruised (he'd hurt himself with a branch trying to catch up to Draco), though the scratches on his arm had indeed been done by his husband. "Something tells me you didn't go to freshen up," he snickered.

Harry ignored Blaise's little side comment, and marched towards the man. "Give me Alastor-" he ordered, even though Blaise didn't make any attempt to move - since he was still trying to process what was happening - Harry went ahead and picked up the palest boy with flushed cheeks.

Having the baby in his arms, Harry calmed down, melting when he felt the familiar warmth of his son.

"Malfoy, are you alright?"

Harry hadn't realized it, but when he finally held Scorpius, he felt all of the fear he had when he'd woken up from his nap. And the the duel he'd gone against with Draco; he didn't know it, but his hands were shaking, up to the point Blaise had to get up, set a sleeping Sirius down, and attempt to take Scorpius from his arms, but Harry tightened his grip, beginning to sob uncontrollably. Blaise sighed, and even though it looked wrong, went behind Harry, placed his hands on his shoulders, and rested his head on his shoulders as a way to hug him since he didn't want to squish the child Harry refused to let go.

"Harry, breathe," Blaise whispered, sounding worrisome for the first in his whole life. Harry did as so; Blaise took this opportunity to slide one of his arms around Harry's body in order to help support the small child in case Harry lost his grip on Scorpius. "Better?"

In response, Harry briefly nodded, slowly.

"What's wrong?"

Harry bit his cheek in reluctance, turning his head to look at Blaise and his humorous hazel-brown eyes. "Draco and I fought," he croaked. Blaise suppressed the urge to make a joke and laugh, and wondered out loud, "don't you always?"

"No... We argue. This, this was a real fight."

Seeing as Harry was done shaking, and seemed calmed down enough, Blaise pulled away. "Is it about Delphini?" He asked, though judging by Harry's expression, it seemed like he didn't know of the girl's existence, letting him know he'd made a mistake. "She's a kid," he quickly made sure to fix his error, "I thought he'd told you."

"There's a lot of things he doesn't tell me," Harry mumbled bitterly.

Blaise ignored that, since the last time he'd tried to talk to an angry Gryffindor, he'd ended up hanging upside down from one of the Quidditch goal posts. He grimaced at the memory of dealing with a bitter Ron for a whole day. At last, Blaise brought himself back to reality. "Draco's complicated," he finally settled on since saying nothing was equally dangerous as saying something. "But that's him. If he didn't tell you something, it's either because he has something already planned and wants you as far away from him to keep you safe-" which was what Blaise had figured out after he'd seen Delphini, "-or because he's scared, and when he's scared he'd rather go through whatever it is alone, than see him weak and fragile."

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