Chapter Twenty

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Everytime Draco's lips collided with Harry's, he loved it. 

He loved Harry in more ways than he could list. One of the many things he loved about him was the way he tasted. Harry was the kind of person that when you kissed, tasted like apples and cinnamon with a partial aftertaste of mints. Draco cupped Harry's face, growing more desperate by the minute.

Without breaking the kiss, Harry pushed Draco against the desk, placing his legs on either side of his hips as he ripped off his shirt, beginning to kiss each small scar the blond wore; the small cuts he would have to live with everyday because of him.

As Harry kissed every one of Draco's imperfections, he noticed how tense and rigid his body became, so he looked up to his husband with an odd look.

"Harry...there's a spider on the ceiling," Draco croaked, his eyes widening when he saw the arachnid move. "Harry, it's moving--" Draco kicked the man that was on him and jumped off the desk when he saw the spider head his way. "Potter!" He shouted, backing off to seek refuge against the furthest wall from the desk.

Harry's eyes moved from the small eight - legged creature to the terrified blond looking for his wand to kill the spider. "You know, Draco, if I didn't know better, I would say you were scared," Harry mentioned with a grin. Draco's terrified eyes shifted up the man letting the spider walk his way. "Scared, Potter?" He sneered, "I don't get scared."


A plan came to mind. Even though he wasn't sure if the spider was venomous or not, Harry made way for it fo crawl up his hand, and held it out to Draco as he took small steps towards him. "Then you wouldn't mind petting it, would you?"

Draco circled around Harry in hopes of avoiding the beast in his hand. "Pet it?" He snarled, thinking light on his feet. "It isn't a dog, petting it would cause it more discomfort."

"No, I think he would appreciate it."

"How do you know it's a male?"

"Wild guess, now come."

Knowing he was backed against the desk, Draco aimed his wand at Harry. "Back off, Scarface." He snapped, and Harry did so, but not before pretending to toss the spider the man's way.

Draco jumped in the air, letting go of his wand as he ran his fingers off his hair in hopes of getting the spider off him. Not until he heard Harry laugh in delight that he knew he had nothing on him.

"Not scared, huh?" Harry smiled, setting the spider down in a jar to take back home later. "Shut up," Draco snapped, only for his annoyance to be replaced by fear. "Can you kill it?"

"I'm not killing it," Harry answered, "he doesn't need to die; I'll let him go by the house--"

"Our house? No. Absolutely not!" Draco protested, "if that thing is a female and gets knocked up, it will have a bunch of little babies, and they will overrun the whole manor, and we'll have to move out because I don't fuck with spiders."

Laughing, Harry made his way towards Draco. "Why are you so scared?" He asked, sliding his hands on the front pockets of the blond. "It's just a little spider, you don't have to be scared."

"I don't get 'scared,'" Draco sneered, with Harry tilting his head only slightly. "Yes you do," he argued, resting his chin on Draco's chest. Making a small pout he whispered, "you get scared over almost anything, dogs, kids, itsy bitsy spiders."

"Harry..." Said Draco.

Harry blinked twice in response.

"If you keep taunting me..." Draco whispered, his lips brushing against his husband's ear. "I will make sure you need a glamour to hide the things I did to you."

The man's hand traveled up Harry's back, igniting shivers when he felt the cold metal of Draco's ring. "Who says I'll let you," Harry said, trying to find the air to breathe.

"I think you will pretty soon," Draco replied with a hushed tone. He kissed Harry's nose, then used his free hand and placed his around his neck. Kissing him, he asked, "want me to keep going?"

"...Y-yes," Harry managed to croak, hating it how Draco knew to make his body react to the things he did.

Pulling away, Draco said, "I'm not sure, that didn't sound like a confirmation." Harry placed his hand on the side of Draco's cheek since he knew he would walk away if he gave him the chance, and began to kiss him roughly.

Draco wasted no time taking off Harry's shirt, tossing him onto the desk. Once the blond was on him, he wiggled his hips, only to be cut off when Draco placed his hand on his lower abdomen.

Harry bit the inside of his lower cheek. "No. You will do exactly what I tell you," Draco said, hovering Harry's arms over his head.

It was mageneficent to Draco, seeing the beautiful angel he'd vowed his whole life to. As the tip of his fingers brushed against his husband's bare chest, his pupils dilated, and the rush of emotions escalated. His free hand moved to the back of Harry's head, his fingers intertwining through his messy raven hair as he kissed him and his tongue explored his mouth.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Ron stood with a stack of papers, unsure on whether to enter, or wait until Harry came out.

"Is he still there?" Pansy asked, pushing herself off Harry's old small desk as she made her way to his new office.

Ron, in response, shook his head. "Yeah...I think they forgot to put up a charm." Pansy looked at the door in disgust, only for her curiosity to get the best of her. She raised her brows to Ron knowingly, and pressed her ear against the door, where she heard every one of Draco's screams.

"Parkinson, you shouldn't--"

"Shush," Pansy snapped, trying her best to hear what was happening on the other side, and when she managed to block out the background noise, she realized that Draco wasn't the one so obnoxiously loud, but Harry.

There were a few giggles, followed by the sound of the hard spine of a book, slamming against wood, and then Harry's pleads:

"I want more..."



"Malfoy..." He moaned. "Hm?" Draco hummed, kissing and liking Harry's neck as he inserted himself inside him, hearing his whimpers as the initial wave of pain hit. However, Harry was used to this, and had grown to enjoy it.

Draco kissed Harry's forehead, picking up his pace as he did so. The echoing sound of skin against skin was soon accompanied by Harry's whimpers, only to grab the back of Draco's neck tighter as time progressed. He felt like every heartbeat radiated through his body. His legs grew weaker, with his heartbeat racing to the edge of his fingertips.

Involuntarily, just when he felt like coming, Harry dug his nails into Draco's back, letting him deliver his final blow before collapsing on his chest with heavy breaths.

"Second?" Draco asked.

"Let...m'think," Harry managed to say, making Draco laugh.

"What?" He purred against Harry's neck. "Baby, are you tired already?"

Harry's eyes narrowed, and without breaking eye contact he said, "second," and even though he said it incredibly seriously, he laughed, with Draco doing the same since neither of them could take the other one seriously whenever they did anything of the sort.

On the other side, Ron noticed how shocked Pansy seemed so he asked, "what's going on?"

"You don't need to know."

"Are they fighting?"

"Doesn't sound like that kind of fight."

"Oh, then I can come in," said Ron, and before Pansy could stop him, opened the door.

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