Chapter Twelve.

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Draco paced back and forth, his mind imagining the million things Zoe could've meant by what she said. She wouldn't touch Harry, if she wanted to harm him, he would be the one bring haunted by her and not him. She doesn't know where Ziva Levi lives, therefore the kids are safe, so what could she have possibly meant?

Is she planning on harming his parents?


Parkinson, or Zabini? 

Draco groaned in frustration. Why can't he just die? He can hear the healers talk, why can't the poison kill him? He knew the answer to this, but refused to acknowledge it all. He needed to come up with a plan. He needed to know what to do when Zoe came back, if she ever did. 

She's egocentric, so making her talk wouldn't be all too hard. The problem would be keeping her out of his head. If only he could just obliviate moments after the war, then he wouldn't have to fight her as much. 

He picked up his pace, as his mind raced to find the right answer, when his chest began to tighten. He fell to his knees, gasping for air. He coughed, bringing his hands to his mouth as he felt his throat itch, his buds tasted the familiar iron taste he once felt when his aunt had stabbed him and he was on the brink of death. He expelled the strange substance. His eyes widened with nothing more than horror when he saw the thick clots of blood he'd just vomited. 

Through the immense fear overwhelming him, Draco could hear Harry's faint voice, demanding someone to tell him what was it that was going on. Draco took off his coat, he cleaned himself up, and sat down on the ground. He knew better than to freak out, for if he did, he would go mad and Zoe would manage to get inside his head all much more easily. So he sat down and tried his bed to listen to the voices around him, each one much more fainter than the last.

It wasn't until Draco heard Harry's voice once again, the slurred words later became clearer, making Draco smile like an idiot. He crossed his legs and scooted forward,  almost like Harry was just in front of him, telling him a story about slaying dragons, running after dark wizards, and saving the day like he always did. 

"...It's only been four days and I already feel like I can't breathe...." he heard Harry say, making his smile fade away. "You made me a promise in our sixth year...I don't know if you remember, but I do." 

"I remember," Draco whispered, finding comfort in Harry's vanishing words. 

"You said you wouldn't leave me, remember?"

"Yeah, baby. Of course I do."

"You told me I would never have to loose you. And I know I sound selfish when I say this, but when I chose to believe that, I was really hoping the roles would reverse."

"I didn't think about it like that, I'm really sorry, darling...If I knew what would've happened, I would've never promised such a thing."

Draco didn't hear Harry's voice for a while, making him think he had left, but then he heard a soft whisper, "Please tell me that you're at least dreaming of the Netherlands." He scoffed, "yeah, right, I'd rather die than revisit that giant freezer."

"...You're right. You hated it there...."

"That's an understatement and you know it," Draco sneered, only to chuckle to himself. 

"You couldn't even get into the water without your jacket and wand."

"I might be blond, but I'm not stupid, darling," Draco began, making himself think Harry was right beside him. "I wasn't planning on skinny dipping with you at the expense of my limbs."

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