Chapter Twenty - Seven.

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After they went to get some ice cream, Teddy asked Draco if he could teach him how to play wizard's chess. He agreed, and the two spent the rest of the day playing the ancient game until Harry came back home.

He walked past the two in order to change, then came back to the library. With a shoulder leaned against the frame of the double set of doors, he smiled. The way that Draco was treating Teddy was lovely, to say the least, and Harry could not help but imagine life after the triplets' birth. He wanted nothing more than to see Draco being rammed by three little monsters as they fought him on every little thing.

Teddy jumped off his seat, throwing his arms in the air. "Yeah!" He shouted in victory. "I beat you, ol' man!"

Draco glared at the small boy with silver hair. "I want a rematch," he dangerously bit, but Teddy only shook his head. "Nope, not happening, sir."

"Sir?! I'm not that old!"

"Your hair's white, so you are."

"Me? Look at you!"

"I can change mine, you on the other hand, have to bleach it so no one can see your white hairs."

"I do not bleach my hair!" Draco shrieked.

"Do so!"

Harry giggled. He made his way to the two. "Girls, you're both pretty," he cut in with a huge grin. He slid his hands down Draco's chest as his chin rested on his shoulder. "Now quit the bickering. Draco, arguing will make those wrinkles set in faster."

Draco jerked his head Harry's way. Meanwhile, Teddy began giggling at Harry's words. The blond glared at his husband with murder in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a quick kiss.

"The two of you are unbearable," he muttered.

Teddy and Harry laughed. "I brought chinese," Harry mentioned. Teddy took no time to run to the kitchen. Draco was about to follow the boy, but Harry held him down. "Am I unbearable now?"


"Then you wouldn't mind going to buy your own food."

"Why? I can just take yours, half of your things are mine, remember?" Draco kissed Harry on the cheek and freed himself from his grasp.

"Draco! Draco don't you dare touch my food!"

"Too late!"

Harry raced Draco, and when he saw him close to the food Teddy had so kindly taken out, he tackled him to the floor.


Draco landed with a thump. His head hitting the wooden floor hard. "Harry, you fuck!"

Teddy sat on the center on his table. As he stabbed his portion of the broccoli free chow mei, he studied the scene in front of him.

Harry was now on top of the blond. He'd grabbed his wrists, and firmly pressed them against his stomach.

"It's my food," Harry protested, trying so desperate to look serious, but Draco's suggestive look and wiggling hips made it hard for him to suppress his smile. "You will have to fight me for it."

"In this marriage your shit is my shit, therefore those dumplings I know you got are mine!"

"You could just share it," Teddy called out, now picking out parts of celery he'd just found.

The couple blushed hard. "Yeah...we could do that.."

"Speak for yourself."

"Shut up," Harry snapped.

Draco freed himself from Harry's grip, placing his hands on his lower back in order to press his body against his own.

"Or what?"

"You'll starve," Harry whispered, pushing himself off the blond.

"By the way, watch your profanity in front of Teddy."

Draco reluctantly agreed with his husband. "Shit. I'm so fucking sorry, kid." He winked at Teddy.

In return, he smiled, Harry wanting nothing more than to strangle Draco there and then.

Harry gave Draco the steamed vermicelli rolls and dumplings he bought only for him since he knew it was his favorite meal. Draco's face lit up when he saw the delicious food, and he quickly snatched it before Harry changed his mind.

Over time, Draco sat down at one end of the counter, while Harry remained standing, mostly because Draco told him that if he remained standing, his back would begin hurting. And Harry, being the stubborn git he is, remained standing just to prove him wrong.

"So, Teddy," said Harry, feeling as though his legs would give out. "I was you want to push the date you're supposed to be staying with us to toady?"


"Want to--um.."

Draco decided to come to the rescue. "Potter's asking if you want to move with us permanently starting today."

"But I thought you wanted to wait until the ministry said yes."

Harry shrugged. "We changed our minds."

"Is grandma okay with it?"

"I'll talk to her about it, but I'm sure she'll allow it."

"Then yeah." Teddy smiled. "Yeah, I wan- I wanna live here." He began tapping his fork against the glass plate out of excitement. "Does that mean that I get siblings? Since your adopting me, does that mean your kids become my siblings?"

Draco noticed the way Harry was beginning to sink, so he wrapped his arm around his waist, and pulled him his way to sit on his lap. "Yeah, they'll be your siblings," Harry answered with a blush, hating the 'I told you so' Draco gave him as his free hand massaged the back of the crook of his neck in order to relieve the knot in his back. 

"Boy or girl?"

"Two boys, one girl."

"Will their rooms be beside mine?"

"We're still not sure, but their room will connect to ours, so that's unlikely."

"Did you already pick names? Can you name one of my brothers after me?"

Harry smiled, while Draco decided to answer the question. "I don't think that's a good idea..."

"Why not?" Teddy pouted.

"Because..." Draco trailed off. "It would be confusing. Imagine me trying to get your attention. I'll shout Remus, and then none of you will know who I'm referring to."

Teddy's gaze fell to the empty plate as he thought. "You are right...does that mean already have names?"

"We have a couple, but if you come up with a good name, we can consider it."

"You will?"

"Of course," Harry replied with a smile. Teddy returned the smirk, then later on yawned. "I'm tired, can I got to bed?"

"I don't know, can you?"

Draco stabbed Harry on the ribs and threw him a sharp glare for the remark he gave Teddy.

"Go to bed," said the blond. Teddy slid down his chair, and before leaving, hugged the couple goodnight.

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