Chapter Fourteen.

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*Self-harm warning!!*


The door closed, with a huge boom echoing through the large mansion. Draco walked past the drawing room, making his way to the kitchen to make something to eat.

Harry shook his head. He placed his hands on Draco's shoulders, and guided him around the counter to sit him in the chair tucked under the bar table.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked with a groggy tone of voice. "You're not cooking," Harry replied after giving the blond a light kiss on the lips. "You just got out of the hospital, you need to rest."

"I've been 'resting' for months."

"Well you'll rest for a little longer. You can't put that much pressure on yourself that fast."

"But I'm hungry, and I'm not eating that hospital shit."

"Then I'll cook something," said Harry as he gave his husband yet another kiss. "But you will stay here and not do a thing, you understand?"

"Sure," Draco bit. He tried his best to sound angry, but really, he was just relieved Harry forced him to sit down.

So Harry cooked all day long, and Draco read to him as he did so, sometimes scolding him for using 'too much' or 'too little' of something, even though he eventually stopped. Everytime he breathed too deeply he felt this immense pain, therefore he shut up in hopes of hiding his agony.

It wasn't long before nightfall came. After eating practically a full buffet, Draco felt so much better. They went upstairs, with Harry jumping straight to bed. Drinking from his banana smoothie, he patted the open spot on the side of the bed. Draco shook his head, and took off his shirt.

"I've done nothing for a good enough amount of time. I need to take a shower."

"Oh, alright...But can we talk afterwards? I think you need to tell me something..." Harry trailed off, pointing at Draco's left forearm. The blond looked down, then back up to his husband. "Harry, it isn't what you think," he tried to explain, but Harry's disproving look made him stop himself. "Can we not do this? Not again."

Harry shook his head, his eyes falling on the cup in his hands. Draco knew he would just make things worse if he stayed, so he set his shirt on his shoulder and walked into the bathroom located across the side of the king sized bed. He turned the faucet on, and as each drop of warm water splashed against his face, he could hear Zoe's voice.

"Go to the place where the Riddles were murdered. If you don't come.."

"I'll come."

Draco lowered his head, letting the water run own his back and soften his oily hair.

"When will you wake me up?"

"When I know you won't run to Potter the second you see him."

"I won't."

Draco's body began to stiffen, and every word that Zoe said pounded in his head, even though he'd thought she had not broken him; that wasn't the case. Her words cut deep and exposed his fears:

"You're useless here, do you hear me?

"You're my bitch, Malfoy...I own you!

"I will take your that muggle surrogate of yours, and I will gut her, so tell me where my wand is!

"Get up!" Draco did so, and Zoe broke his leg, making him cry out in pain. "You won't warn Potter in any way, do you hear me?"

"I won't."

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