Chapter Eleven

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Afraid Draco would have another incident in his absence, Harry  decided to stay the rest of the day in the hospital. He had little chats, unknowingly tricking himself into thinking Draco could hear him. 

There were a set of heavy steps that got louder by the minute. The curtain covering Draco's bed parted, getting Harry's attention, however there was no one but Andromeda Tonks and a little nest of magenta moving around the bed. 

It wasn't until the little messy nest like hair walked around the bed and raced onto him that Harry knew who the little boy was.

"Hey, Teddy!"

"Uncle 'arry," Teddy replied, sliding off Harry's arms as he stood up. He walked towards Andromeda, and hugged her. "Hello, Harry," said Andromeda with a tired tone of voice.

Harry let go of Andromeda, only for her to plant a light peck his cheek. "It's been a long time," she began, talking to him with a calm voice.

"I'm sorry about that, I know I said I'd take Teddy--"

"Hey, it's okay," Andromeda interrupted the man, yet stopped since her throat became itchy and she needed to cough.

The woman was a very ill person. After the death of her child, she became very sickly. Over the years, her health became worse, which was why Harry and Draco filled the paperwork to gain custody over Teddy.

Teddy jumped into the bed Draco was in, hopping on the side of the bed in order for him to move.




Andromeda sadly smiled, for Teddy's oblivious behavior saddened her as it reminded her of the time she didn't see her child come home. "He wanted to come visit, I hope that's okay," she later said, looking back to the man.

"It's fine," Harry replied. "I can take him home if you'd like."

"Thank you." Andromeda hugged Harry one more time, then left, for her knees couldn't handle her own weight for more than a couple of hours.

"Why isn't he waking up?" Teddy later on asked, jumping off the bed and onto the chair Harry was previously sitting in.

Harry sighed. He walked towards the small boy, and sat on the very edge of the bed. "Well..." He began, unsure on how to approach the subject. "He's tired. Malfoy ate something he shouldn't have, and he got better but he needs to rest."

"Grandma rests, but she always wakes up," Teddy replied, unable to wrap his mind around the subject.

"It's different with him. Draco's far more tired than Tonks."

"So...when will he wake up?" The boy blinked twice then smiled. "I have to ask him something."

"What do you want to ask him?"

"I can't tell you..."

"Why not?"

"Because..." Teddy took some time to think. "Draco told me not's about you."

"Well now you have to tell me."

"But Draco will get mad."

"What he doesn't know can't hurt him."

Teddy slightly pouted as he thought on whether on not to confine in his godfather. "Alright!" He finally said, throwing his hands in the air, only to throw a skeptical look at Draco's body. He pocked the man in the face to make sure he really was asleep before looking back to Harry. Teddy brought him closer to him and said, "I wanted Draco to show me how he got you."

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