Chapter Nineteen.

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"Draco Lucius Malfoy-Potter!

"Out of all the irresponsible things you have done, this is the last straw!

"How dare get yourself poisoned in this building. You've had us all worried, Harry more than anyone. Did you know that he almost starved himself because of you and your idiocracy? Fucking hell, Malfoy! You better tell me what it is that you got yourself into or else I'll shove some Veritaserum down your throat!"

As Hermione paced back and forth, Draco sank even more down his seat. He now understood how Ron managed to anger the woman with such ease. She was frightening, and even worse whenever she cursed (something she did very rarely) she did so it was because she was over the edge.

Hermione pivoted back, murder written all over her face. "Well?" she shrieked. "Speak, Malfoy!"

"Will you let me speak?"

A glare only a Basilisk could master originated from Hermione as she looked at the blond. She was in no mood for sass, and Draco knew that. "Right," he muttered before sitting back on his chair; this time more confidently. "Granger, before you decide to harass me in such a way, you must remember, I did not poison myself. Remember this, because in all honesty, you're making it sound as if I had any control over my outcome."

"You did!" Hermione snapped, grabbing Draco's injured arm. However, when she saw him try to hide his wince, the petrifying glare she held eased back and she pulled back Draco's sleeve.

The bandaged arm seemed to puzzle Hermione, for her eyes were glued on the white gauze as a small frown began to set in. Draco, knowing that Hermione would figure everything out sooner or later, let her touch his arm as she undid the bandage.

"Draco...your arm is..."

Hermione was lost in words. For the first time in a long time she wasn't sure what to do. Draco's arm was completely slashed, yet his mark was still visible, it being the only thing with skin on it. "Malfoy...what happened?"

Draco covered his arm back up; the small smug smile he held vanishing completely. "I had an accident," he shrugged. "I'll be fine though - it should be healed in a couple of hours."

"What's the point in healing a part of you you'll hurt later on?" Hermione implied, receiving a cold look from the man. His eyes began to cloud over, and jaw began to clench, yet he didn't lose his cool since he knew better than to.

"Appearance," he finally said.

Placing her hand on Draco's, Hermione kneeled down to his level. "What's going on, Malfoy?"

"If I knew, I'd tell you, but I'm not sure. Believe me, Granger; if I knew what was going on, I would tell you, but truth is, I'm still trying to figure things out," Draco tried his best to explain.

With a heavy sigh, Hermione stood up. She rubbed her temple as she tried to think, only to lean against the very edge of her desk once she had reached a conclusion. "A couple days back, the ministry was attacked; they killed Kingsley and Greengrass, and I want to know why."

"What makes you think I have the answer?"

"Because you had the dark mark before this all went down! And now you have this one? You're smart, Malfoy. The dumber you play, the more I know you know."

Draco shook his head. "Granger... I didn't decide to reactivate my mark, nor to be poisoned; I'm not playing anything, I can reassure you."

He tried his best to convince Hermione of his innocence, but he knew her, and knew that she didn't buy anything he'd said.

There was a brief wave of silence, and Hermione partially bit the inside of her cheek, begging for Draco to say something else, but he didn't, so she sighed with disappointment.

Making an S in the air with her wand, Hermione unlocked the door to her office with a charm, then turned to look at Draco. "I have to report this, if any journalist knows about this--"

"I know, just give me time. I can fix it, just give me some time."

"Sometimes I really hate you," Hermione replied, letting Draco stand up, and walk out of the room.

He made his way back to the second level to corner a very angry Harry. He grumbled for having to pack up, and as he cleared his desk, he cursed under his breath.

When Draco saw the flustered auror, he walked towards him and wrapped his arms around him, resting his chin on his shoulder.

Harry froze; his cheeks began burning as his blushing set in. "Love, why are you still here?"

"Had a chat with Granger," Draco explained, then pressed Harry's back against his and asked, "now what are you doing?"

"I was promoted last week, remember? I have an office now, and they just cleared it."

"And why are you so grumpy?"

Harry shook his head. "It's nothing," he mumbled, going back to packing up his stuff. "Oh, you never think that," Draco replied, "what is it?" He pulled away, expecting Harry to answer his question, but instead he was given his box of shrunken down stuff, and guided to the head auror's office.

Placing Harry's stuff beside the empty desk before taking a seat on it. "Baby, what is it?"

Harry pulled out the leather cushioned office chair, and sat down with a heavy sigh. "I opened an investigation on your attempted murder, and they kicked me out just for being married to you."

"Darling, you know the rules," Draco replied, placing his feet on Harry's chair in order to pull him closer. "You can't work a case with a person of interest there," he tried to reassure the man, letting him rest his head on his lap.

"I know," Harry whined, "but Dean will screw it up, and it kills me not knowing who did this."

"Something tells me you have an idea."

"Maybe..." Harry trailed off. He pushed himself off Draco, and stood up. "Hey, you never answered my question."

Draco shrugged, "I kind of did. I told you I had to talk tk Granger."

"But why?"

"Reasons," Draco replied, making Harry narrow his eyes, "what kind of reasons?"

"Reasons you don't need to know."

As Draco pulled Harry closer to him, his skepticism grew more and more. "Why not?" He asked, so Draco began pulling on to the back of his shirt. "It's not your department, head auror Malfoy."

"-Potter," Harry corrected with a small grin.

Now it was Draco's turn to narrow his eyes. "Alright, Mr. Malfoy-Potter," Draco whispered in Harry's ear as he brushed his fingers up his back. "Would you like me to remind you the reason you have Malfoy in your name?"


Draco began tracing small circles around his back. "You're mine, Harry Malfoy-Potter," Draco whispered as he kissed the back of Harry's ear, smirking when he saw his cheeks tint with pink.

"L-love, we're at work..." Harry tried to say only to stutter even more when Draco pulled his body against his.

"So?" Draco said in between kisses, "it's your office. No one will come in."

Harry bit his lower lip in hopes of suppressing his moan, and when he knew he wouldn't be able to control himself, he pushed himself off Draco. "No," he said, making the blond groan. "You're still grounded. You can't have this until you fess up."

With a small scheming smirk, Draco took off his coat, and when he began unbuttoning his shirt, Harry felt his body betraying him in more ways than one.

"You're fucking me up," he mumbled, and Draco lifted his brows in response, letting his shirt rest on his shoulders in order to persuade his husband even more.

"Oo, say more, Mr. Potter," Draco playfully replied, "I am dying to know what else is it that you want--

"Shut up."

Harry barged Draco's way, pressing their lips together, Draco's tongue slipped in Harry's mouth, and all of Harry's threats that previous morning were tossed out the window. 

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