Chapter Fifteen.

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With Harry's breathing steadying, Draco knew he was in a blissful sleep, so he freed himself from his grasp, and slid out of the bed. He put on the first pair of clothes he found, picked up his wand, and tip toed out of the room. He carefully made his way down the stairs, taking one step at a time in order to avoid the places where the floorboard creaked.

When he reached the first floor, he circled around the stairs, walking down the hallway, and past the drawing room and on towards a set of stairs in the very corner of the room, hidden from general view. He walked down the stairs, reaching the cellar. At the very end of enormous underground room was a small black door no one would normally pay attention to. Draco made his way to the door. He chanted a quick charm in order for the door to recognize his magical print and let him in.

Inside, was a large room enforced with stone and cement. The room was very dim, with only one small window only a kid could fit though because of the reinforced steel bars. Not far from the entrance, were two boxes, each transparent, holding the most powerful artifacts imaginable, each more deadly than the last. Beside the fireplace placed only in case of emergencies, were a stack of shelves, some were filled with peculiar glowing vials, while others had different skulls belonging to different species. On top of the fireplace hung masks in all shapes and sizes. Some of them managed to get inside your head and control you, while others could easily bring out your biggest fears.

Across the fireplace were boxes, all made out of steel. Some of them rattled, jumped in the air and shook. Those that didn't shake were locked as they held the most dangerous artifacts. Draco walked towards one of the transparent casing he used his wand to open it. He made sure to not touch anything more than what he needed. He aimed his wand at the small bracelet made out of gold.

Draco studied it, knowing the terrible things the bracelet would do to whoever wore it. Without touching the bright bracelet, he pointed his wand at an open brown box on the other side of the room. He placed the bracelet on the small box, and tucked it under his coat.

Locking the door behind him, Draco exited the room, and headed back up the stairs where he made his way to the front door, stepping out of the house. He rolled up his sleeve, and took a deep breath, as he looked at the new mark inked on his inner lower forearm.

Ever since he woke up, he could feel the thing burn his skin. He'd thought that the terrible sensation would go away if he just slept with Harry, but that wasn't it. Whenever Harry touched him, all he felt was a blade of a knife cutting into his skin. It felt good to kiss him, being held by him, and hearing his sweet gentle voice, but the wave of pain arousing afterwards wasn't it. No amount of pleasure could outlast the agonizing pain Draco felt whenever he touched Harry or vise versa, and that killed him.

Draco turned around, facing the large estate inherited to him by his parents. He took one last look at his mark, and thought of the spell that only a few with any sort of dark mark could master. Knowing exactly where he was going, Draco dissolved into a black cloud, and flew into the crowded cities of England.

The sun was beginning to rise, and Draco knew that he needed to hurry up if he wanted his plan to pan out. He landed on a closed off alley, fixed himself, and walked out into the street.

It wasn't a long walk, and soon, he found himself standing in front of an apartment door with the number 23 nailed on it. He knocked on the door once, and there wasn't a response, so he waited for a while before knocking again. This time, he heard a faint, "just a minute!" And so he took a step back in order to give space to whoever might answer the door.

The locked on the door clicked, and soon it opened wide, revealing an average height woman with auburn hair and bright blue eyes. She was extremely pale, but her warm smile managed to make her look lively. Even thought she had very loose clothing, Draco could still see the baby bump she had.

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