Chapter Four.

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Harry forced himself to let go of his husband and stand up. He was getting ready to leave when he caught a glimpse of some ink on Draco's left arm. He pushed the sleeve up, revealing an odd looking tattoo where the scar of dark mark used to be.

Instead laid a bird emblazoned in a fascistic manner. Harry squinted, trying his best to comprehend why Draco had such a mark. Harry made sure to hide the mark under Draco's sleeve in hopes that a snooping healer wouldn't notice; then left the enclosed space. 

He made his way to the lifts, having a peculiar encounter with a short curly hair woman, strangely enough, having the same facial features as his mother. Harry watched as the short, strange, happy woman skipped out of the lift, and on past him. She gave him a partial wave, and headed to the closed off guard. 

As the lift closed Harry noticed where the woman was heading, before he could stop the moving cart, he stood hopeless as he watched the witch head towards the bed Draco was in. 


Blaise had left the visitor's lobby to head back to work since he was owled someone had tried to take the sketches to his new line of robes. Pansy had decided to stay just a little longer. She wanted to see how Draco was, but most importantly, Harry. 

She knew that the hot headed git would do something dumb, and then she would have to report not only to Draco but also Hermione. Pansy shot up from her seat when she saw Harry pass by the lobby and went on to intersect him. 

"Hey, how's Malfoy?"

"He's fine," Harry bit. Pansy  grabbed the man's arm, and asked him with an arched brow, "really? Where are you going then?" 

"Work, Parkinson. Believe it or not, some of us don't rely on our inheritance to live." 

Pansy ignored Harry's comment for the time being. "Where are they keeping him? Draco I mean."

"Fourth floor."

"He was poisoned?"


"But he's fine now?"


Harry brushed past Pansy and left the hospital before she could interrogate him even more. Pansy turned around; she headed to the lift, where she encountered a healer and questioned him on Draco's whereabouts. 

"Malfoy? Oh, yes! He consumed a very rare poison. I believe he's in the fifth floor," he answered, and with that left to assist another healer. 

Pansy glared at the spot Harry was standing only seconds ago for being lied to. She hated liars, but her look later softened when the questions as to why Harry would lie stared to flood in.  


The whole department fell silent when the man marched into the large open space. Harry made his way to his cubicle. He flicked his wand, bringing the stack of papers that he'd handed Ron to flow his way. The redhead shot up. 

"Bloody hell! What are you doing!" 

Harry didn't answer; he was too caught up searching for the picture of the strange mark. Ron snapped his fingers in front of the man's face. 

"Oi, Harry!"

Harry slammed his hands on the table out of frustration. "What!?" he shouted, jerking his head up to look at the redhead, his eyes filled with fire. Ron backed down. "That's my case, what are you doing?"

"It's my case now," Harry replied with a stern voice before going back to the stack of papers. Ron ignored the warning in the man's voice and insisted. "How so?" he asked. "Why are you here anyways? Shouldn't you be in St. Mungo's with Malfoy?" 

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