Chapter Ten.

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"I want two aurors with Granger at all times," Williamson ordered as he stepped into the corridor. "I want Thomas and Weasley with her." He directed his attention to the two aurors under the doorway. "I want you two to take the minister's body out--"

"No," Hermione cut off.

"Excuse me?" Williamson said, shifting his eyes back to the woman glaring at him as if he was some sort of intruder.

"You're not tossing the minister's body like he's worthless or a piece of garbage. Well he isn't, he is--was the minister. He deserved much more respect than that. You might be in charge of everyone's safety, but I'm the minister now; I now give the orders, not you." She later lowered her voice for it to shift back to it's sweet hushed tone. "With all respect, sir. I'm in charge now, and I say you will take him to St. Mungo's to see how exactly he was killed, and inform his wife."

Williamson cleared his throat, feeling a little embarrassed for having to be put in his place. "Sure thing, ma'am." 

Once the man and his aurors were gone, Ron circled around Hermione, and gave her a light peck in the cheek. "That was hot," he whispered, but said it loud enough for Harry to hear. He began playing with his fingers, remembering back to all the times he had to be a third wheel for the two.

Hermione giggled, only for her smile to quickly fade away and return all out to work mode. "If the ministry's on partial lock-down, whoever did this is still inside."

"You let us worry about that," Harry said. "You're the minister now, you have much more pending problems than that." He moved his eyes for them to meet Ron's. "I'll send Dean up here, stay with her."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Ron muttered as he watched Harry race after Williamson.

Hermione pivoted back to face the minister's office and walked in, with Ron right behind her. She made her way to the large window in the office that let whoever was inside see the levels below, all the way down to the Atrium.

"Greengrass was here," she whispered, looking up to the redhead. "She was tossed from here."

"How do you know?"

"C'mon, Ron," Hermione scoffed. "The only way for her to land as far as she did was if she was shoved. If it had happened in another way, she could've easily performed a spell to get her out. No, whoever killed Greengrass also killed the minister...and if I'm correct, I think it's the same person wants Malfoy dead."


The auror headquarters was an utter mess; wizards running between the magical law enforcement section, wizengamot offices, and their own section. Everyone was bringing visitors into the interrogation and scanning their wands to see the last spell they'd summoned. 

Harry walked into Williamson's office, closing the door behind him. "You asked for me?" He intertwined his fingers together, and waited for his boss to face him. Williamson turned his chair in order to look at him. 

"Sit down, Potter."

Harry did as told, taking a seat in one of the chairs across from Williamson. "Potter, I think you should head home. You're a liability at the moment, I can't afford that." 

"I already took a day off, two, actually."

"Well, take a third one," said Williamson. "Go visit Malfoy, take a walk, or write a book, I don't care, just get out of here. You're too close to this."

"So you're just kicking me out?" 

"There's the door."

Harry gave out a dry laugh. "Unbelievable," he muttered, pushing himself to stand up with such a force that moved the chair he was in. When he reached the door, Williamson called his attention, "hey, Potter!" Harry stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder. "I..I really hope your husband gets better."

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