Chapter Twenty - Nine.

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"Send the owl!"

The auror was suddenly pulled back out to the hall. A rope took a hold of his neck, throwing him back like a ragged doll. Amycus laughed as the auror struggle to find his wand. The other Carrow twin took no time to kill the owl trying to rush out of the prison while Greyback hunted down the few aurors trying to warn the ministry.

Under the entrance of the prison, Theodore stood. His back was pressed against the wall, arms and ankles crossed, with a smug smirk on his face. He enjoyed the chaos, even though what the Carrow twins, and Greyback were fighting for, was not something he believed in.

He didn't care about pureblood supremacy, and neither did Zoe, which was why he enjoyed working for her. She wants a fresh start, a happy ending per say, like him. After the war, his life was pretty much ruined, but then Zoe, Voldemort's insurance in case he died, came along with a promise to fix everything if he helped her.

Zoe knew Theodore's deepest desire, and promised to fulfill it, if he did everything she said.

Of course, Theodore did not trust her. One would be mad to trust such an unstable woman, which was why he had to make sure Draco was not hurt by making her think lacing his life to hers was a good idea so he didn't try to kill her, because as heroic as Malfoy was during the war, he wouldn't sacrifice himself.

Theodore bit the inside of his lip, then smiled.

Azkaban has fallen.

Every dark wizard anyone has put away has escaped, and now they want revenge against the one person that imprisoned most of them... Harry Malfoy-Potter.

Abaddon growled behind Theodore, surely making him jump. "Oh, chill out, Notty," Zoe giggled, brushing her fingers up the back of Theodore's neck. "Abaddon doesn't bite-" The dane's growl became louder, forcing Theodore to shove his hands in his pocket to give himself a false sense of safety. "If he isn't hungry that is," Zoe winked, kissing the top of her dog's head which earned her a happy howl, only to growl back to Theodore.

For a bit, Zoe genuinely smiled. She was fond of her pet, for Rodolphus had given him to her shortly after the war as a coping mechanism for having so many responsibilities as a teenager. But her smile soon faded when she noticed the pile of bodies down the corridor. It was disappointing, really, seeing so many dead bodies so fast.

One would expect the almighty aurors to be more powerful.

"FInd me my brother's children," she bitterly spoke. "Or at least the muggle carrying them."

"What shall I do with them?"

"Bring them to me."

"But you said you wouldn't harm them, you wouldn't touch them-"

Zoe put her finger up, jerking her head Theodore's way. "I vowed to keep that wretched muggle out of fatal harm, I did not vowed for those kids - now find them!" She ordered. Theodore bit his tongue, knowing better than to test the woman's patience.

"Do I bring Ms Levi to the Riddle residence?"

"I never said anything about the muggle, I want the kids, how you get is not my concern."

Theodore reluctantly nodded, ducking his head as a way to bow down to the woman. As he was getting ready to apparate away, Zoe called out his name, "Theodore, don't start going soft on me now."

"Don't go back on your promise," Theodore replied, vanishing in front of Zoe's eyes. He reappeared somewhere close to Grimmauld Place; thinking that before he could give Levi a potion to speed up the pregnancy, he needed to know where she was staying, after all, the only people that knew about the Malfoy-Potter's little secret, were only their closest friends and frankly, he had no idea how the hell Zoe knew.

He needed to know where Draco hid Levi, and he couldn't ask Zoe, because she obviously didn't know, so he needed to find another way towards Levi's home, and what better way than to bring the Order of the Phoenix to their feet and force them to spill everything they had on the Malfoy-Potter's family.

Over time, the order became sloppy, those who lived in the former Black residence becoming quite too cocky to re-enforce their wards, so sneaking in was easy.

The two residents, Hannah Abbott and Terry Boot were in the drawing room, while Kreacher cleaned up the dishes in the sink. Theodore sneaked up Boot, appariating right behind him as he sat on his sofa, reading his book. Theodore twisted Boot's head with ease, snapping his neck in a flash.

Abbott, who was enjoying her food on the opposite sofa, shot up, dropping her food to get her wand, but before she had an opportunity to do anything, Theodore vanished. He reappeared behind Abbott, wrapping his arm around her neck, being ready to kill her the same way he did to her friend.

"What do you want?" She hissed, holding her wand tightly.

"Put it down," Theodore ordered. "And toss it." He held the tip of his wand against Abbott's throat, making sure to to remind her of the power he had over her.

Against her better judgment, Abbott tossed her wand aside. "Good girl," Theodore whispered, hearing an unladylike growl from the former Hufflepuff student. Theodore brushed the strands of hair from Abbott's face, asking her with a hushed tone, "where's Ziva Levi?"

"I don't know who that is."

"You're part of the order, you're in charge of her safety under Pott-"

"Malfoy-Potter," Abbott corrected, knowing that doing that would piss Theodore off.

The man tightened his grip around her neck. "Potter-" he snarled. "Potter has ordered you to keep her same, where the hell is she?"

"I'd rather die than tell you, you snake!"


Theodore aimed his wand against Abbott's temple. "Your wish is my command... You won't have to tell me a thing-"

"What are you-!"

Abbott tried her best to put up her occlumentary shields, but failed as Theodore's hold deprived her oxygen, making her weak in the knees as all energy moved to keeping her mind protected.

In an instant, Theodore was able to see what he wanted, and when he did, he snapped Abbott's neck, knowing that if he performed a killing curse, the Malfoy-Potter's nose would be on him in an instant. Theodore threw Abbott corpse on top of Boot's.

"Incendia." The two bodies caught on fire. Theodore waited until he knew that there was no evidence of who could've done this before taking off the silencing charm and disapparating.

Kreacher heard the crackling of the flames and poofed into the drawing room, taking out the fire in a matter of seconds with just a snap of his fingers. He sighed, ducking his head when he realized that his 'masters' were dead. He allowed himself to mourn before going ahead and spreading the word that someone attacked two members of the order (who used to be part of Dumbledore's army).


Levi heard a light knock on her door. She wondered who it was, maybe Draco for another visit, but she wasn't sure. She opened the door, her smile vanishing who it was. "May I help you?" She asked, scratching the wrist which helped Draco's bracelet.

"Hello..." Theodore tried his best to put on a confused and shy expression, sinking himself down into a slouch. "I was just- I was wondering if you could help me with some directions."

Levi looked around the street before deciding to help the the stranger. "Um, sure, where are you trying to get to?"

"Grimmauld Place," Theodore replied. "I'm trying to give my cousin a little surprise."

"Cousin? Are you related to Hannah by any chance."

"Actually, I am. She is my second cousin, mum's side."

"Oh, well I could take you-"

"No need."

Levi arched a brow. "O-kay," she muttered. "Would you like some tea? I could point you out the house, if I may?" The woman pointed at Theodore's map.

"Sure," he mentioned with a warm smile and stepped inside, his fingers curling around the potion he planned on using in hopes that whatever Zoe had planned, wouldn't bring harm to the future generations of Malfoy-Potters. 

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