Chapter Seventeen.

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The witch laughed evilly. She now understood why Draco made her vow she wouldn't harm Harry. "Well, do you know where he hid it?" She asked, suppressing the urge to draw out her wand.

"Not specifically, but I can get it, I just need some time."

Theodore pulled Zoe over to the side. Draco narrowed his eyes, studying the two. It was just now that he realized he was the one that was pressuring Zoe to get the elder wand, but why?

Zoe finally turned around and said, "fine." She called for her dog, and the two left. Draco was getting ready to sneak out, but Theodore stopped him by taking his arm.

"Malfoy, can we talk?"

Draco looked down to his arm, then Theodore. Silver met brown, and it seemed like the past the two shared resurfaced. Draco freed himself from Theodore, and as he slid his hand in his pocket, he said, "what is it?"

"I..." Theodore wryly laughed. He looked around the room as he tried his best not to mess it all up. It seemed like at that instant, Theodore lost all confidence he had. "I'm sorry...for the bullying I mean."

Draco decided to listen a little more to what the man had to say. "I was just..."

"A total idiot?"

"No," Theodore snorted a little. "No, no, I was jealous. You weren't willing to start a relationship with me, yet you did with Potter. I'm sorry for being an absolute arse. You two... you're okay."


"That's all you'll get from me, Malfoy."

"Didn't expect anything less," Draco replied.


Draco closed the door behind him. He walked back upstairs, entered his room, slipped off his shoes, and crawled back in bed. It wasn't long before he felt Harry's leg wrap around his and his head rest on his chest.

Harry's eyebrows mushed together with his hand balling up as he grabbed Draco's shirt. "When did you get clothed?"

"I was cold," Draco whispered, planting a light kiss on Harry's forehead. He pushed himself off the blond, kissing him softly. "You know...we talk about yesterday," he muttered in between kisses.

Draco goraned, "can it wait?"

"You know it can't," Harry whispered, an idea popping up in that instant. He sat up and began moving his hips in a circular motion. He later on leaned down, and said, "what if I reward you afterwards?" Draco chuckled, "you're acting a if I wouldn't get your 'reward' either way."

Harry rolled off Draco. "You won't," he replied as he made his way to the very edge of the bed. He slipped his pants back on and told Draco as he did so, "look, if you don't want to talk, that's fine by me." He spun around to look at Draco, "I have to get to the ministry, Williamson has managed to pile up the aurors' work on me."

"Did you get the promotion?"

"Yeah, the only way I could work on what I wanted to work on was if I got it."


"Because I was at the hospital with you, I managed to get past Dean and apply for head Auror."

"That's amazing!"

"I know, and hey, when I come back, you better be ready to open up."

As Harry made his way out the door, Draco stood up and rushed towards him to grab his wrist. He placed his other hand on Harry's stomach, pressing his back against his abdomen. "Oh, darling, you really have to choose your words carefully," Draco whispered in Harry's ear, using his leg to make his husband lose his balance and fall.

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