Chapter 19

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The next morning~

Ambrosine woke up, feeling sore everywhere around her body. She noticed that she wasn't in her bedroom and looked around, then remembering she was in her husband's chamber. She remembered the events that led to what happened last night. That's right...I agree with having a child with Claude. Kyaaa!! So embarrassing!! She looked to the person beside her, sleeping soundly. To think I'll have a child with my favorite character in the manhwa. This is a reality, y/n, you are not a character anymore. 

As Ambrosine was daydreaming, she didn't notice Claude waking up. Once she heard a groan beside her, she came back from her thought and look at Claude. Oh, boy is he handsome. His hair was messy from the events last night and he wasn't wearing any clothes. Ambrosine can see his full upper body as he didn't cover himself properly. Claude was groaning and could barely open his eyelid. Not only is he handsome, but his morning face is also cute. This is too much for me. Claude could finally open his eyes, he stared at Ambrosine who was also staring back and dazing.

"Good morning, Claude," Ambrosine said, coming out of her daze

"Hmm..." Claude said, pulling Ambrosine down to his chest. "It's too early. Let's go back to sleep."

"I can't Claude. I have to meet Athanasia," Ambrosine said, pulling herself away from Claude

Claude looked at Ambrosine, with a smirk. "Are you sure you can go? You know we did it more than last time right? I don't think you can move, wife."

Ambrosine remembered last night's events and blush. Claude smirk. He knew what she was thinking and he felt amused. "I-I am fine, Claude. I'm sure I can walk," Ambrosine said, still blushing a bit.

"Hmm...then try walking," Claude told her. As Ambrosine got up and tried to walk, she immediately fell down. Claude just smirked and pick her up. "See, you can't even stand properly, how can you walk?"

One month later~

The three royals were having breakfast until Ambrosine felt like throwing up. She quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up. Claude and Athanasia quickly followed after her. Ambrosine just brushed it off until two days later.

Whenever she smelled food or tea, she kept feeling nauseous until she fainted. Claude quickly called for the imperial doctor.

"Congratulations, your Majesties," the doctor said. "You are pregnant, your majesty. It is only a few weeks old."

Those inside the room were shocked to hear such great news. Their beautiful Empress is having a child! Ambrosine and Claude took a minute before coming back. Ambrosine had tears of joy while Claude smiled a bit. Those who saw his smile was shocked that their Cold Emperor was smiling.

"I will prescribe you some medicine for your morning sickness, your highness. Please eat a lot of nutritional food. Blessing and glory upon the sun and moon of Obelia," the doctor said and left with the maids and knights.

Claude sat down at the edge of Ambrosine's bed and caress her cheeks. He smiled warmly while Ambrosine also smiled with tears streaming down her face.

"We are having a child, Claude," Ambrosine said, touching her stomach

"Yea," Claude said, kissing Ambrosine's lips while also touching his wife's stomach

"I can't wait for Athanasia and my family to hear the news. I'm so happy," Ambrosine said

"Yea, I'm happy too. I wonder what the baby will look like," Claude said, tears threatening to spill. Ambrosine saw the tears and lift her hand to wipe the tears away

"Claude, honey, you don't need to cry. I hope the baby will look after you. After all, my husband is the best looking person in the world," Ambrosine complimented Claude, to which he blushes at

"I hope our child has your personality at least," Claude said, to which Ambrosine hummed

After a little rest, the married couple went to the Emerald Palace to tell the good news to Athanasia. To say, Athanasia was really happy and was jumping around. Both of them just look at Athanasia, excitedly jumping around. Ambrosine was beyond happy.

The day the baby is born~

It was the day, the child was born. Ambrosine was in her chambers giving birth. You can hear the empress' screaming throughout the Diamond Palace. Claude was walking back and forth as he couldn't go inside. 

After a few minutes, the screaming stopped and they heard a baby cry. Claude then slams the door open and went to his wife, who was panting and had sweat all over her body.

"Congratulation, your Majesties. It's a boy!" the doctor said, happily. Everyone in the room was happy that the baby was born healthy and a boy nonetheless. She brought the baby to the Empress to let her hold her baby. The baby had blonde hair like the Emperor. The baby then opened his eyes, staring at his mother. His eyes were the same as any other Obelia's bloodline. Cerulean jewel eyes. If you look carefully, the baby definitely got his beauty from the Empress more than the Emperor, making him look really cute.

"What would you like to name him, your Majesties?" the doctor said, looking at the couple

"A...Arius..." Ambrosine quietly names her child. Ambrosine was tightly hugging her child, who fell asleep a second ago.

Claude who was next to his wife heard the child's name and said it aloud, "His name shall be Arius. Arius de Alger Obelia. Move him to the empress' chambers and hire a nanny for him." With that, Lucy took Arius away from Ambrosine to clean the baby.

"You did good, Ambrosine. You must be exhausted, go to sleep," Claude said, kissing Ambrosine on her cheek

"C...Claude," Ambrosine called his name

"I'll be with you when you wake up," Claude said. With that, Ambrosine went to sleep.

A few hours later, Ambrosine woke up and she saw Arius next to her, in a crib. He was sleeping peacefully. Ambrosine was really happy to finally have a child with her lover. Claude and Athanasia then came inside her room. Both of them saw Ambrosine awake and walk to her.

"Mommy!" Athanasia called Ambrosine and hugged her

"Hello there sweetie," Ambrosine tiredly said. She then looked at Claude and smiled. 

"Baby brother, Arius is so cute. Thank you, mommy!" Athanasia thanked Ambrosine brightly

"No problem," Ambrosine said

"Umm...mommy, can Athy sleep with you tonight," Athanasia requested "Athy wants to see baby Arius with mommy."

"Are you sure? Arius might wake you up at night," Ambrosine asked, to which Athanasia nodded.

"Alright," Ambrosine said. "Of course, Claude, if you want, you can sleep with us tonight."

"Hmm...I'll take the offer then," Claude said, then kissing Ambrosine on the forehead and whispered next to her ear. "You did a good job today, love." 

With that, Ambrosine blushed and giggled.




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