Chapter 31

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Lovely Princess Ver

In the palace, Claude had a headache. He is stumbling around. Things around him shattered everywhere.

"Jennette!" Claude called. "Jennette!"

Jennette came running inside her father's chamber.

"Father!" Jennette called out.

Claude is down, kneeling while holding his head. Jennette went down to her knees to help him.

"Does your head hurt again?" Jennette asked.

"Ugh..." Claude only groaned.

"Father..." Jennette called out once again.

What's happening?

His majesty is in such a state.

He can barely manage everyday duties, let alone rule the country.

The palace is so chaotic lately too.

The rumor can't be real, right?

What rumor?

You haven't heard?

Heard what?

'What should I do?' Jennette thought.

Don't go telling it anywhere.

Gossips were everywhere as the emperor was suffering.

Those b*itchy maids should all die! How dare you gossip about the emperor while he is suffering! If you suffer, I'll make sure to laugh at you back. Author's thought.

"Jennette," Anastacius called. "Leave this be, and let's go."

Thunders flashing everywhere.

They said His majesty has been cursed...

'Someone please help...'


"Princess!" Hannah called, showing off the bluebird. "Look at this, Princess!"

"Oh my, such a pretty bird," Lilian said.

What? It was a dream? I guess I'm feeling off since Lucas is gone.  Athanasia thought.

"You'll never guess who this is from," Hannah said.

Such a weird dream... Athanasia thought.

'Remembering our short encounter, I present this gift to you with longing.' Ijekial Alpheus

That was what the letter stated along with the bluebird.

"He must have fallen head over heels for you at the debutante to send you such a gift," Hannah fangirled.

T-that's not it. He knows that it was me at the bird market! How did he know?! Athanasia thought.

"Hannah, watch what you say in front of the princess," Lilian scolded.

"But it's true," Hannah protested. "With as beautiful as our princess if, how could Lord Ijekial not be taken with her?"

My Love (Who made me a princess) (Claude)Where stories live. Discover now