Front Line

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"And where do you think you're going" a familiar voice calls, as Elaine's demeanour begins to cave in on itself.
"Going to bed" she calls back with out looking.
"It's midday!"
"Your point being?" She questions, finally turning around to see Lena standing in the corridor.
"There is a war on" she states clearly.
"And?" Elaine begins, "it hasn't started yet!"
"Exactly, we must be using this time to prepare ourselves - not squandering it in bed!"
"It's not squandering when you need rest" she says pointing to her head, flinging her arm so hard she nearly knocks herself out...again, and with that she walks off.
"You can't be serious" Lena mutters in disbelief.
"Very" Elaine replies,
"You know Elaine, I really don't think you appreciate the current situation!"
Lena argues, walking after her, "Camelot is on the brink of war - the citadel needs all the help it can get - your people, are you going to deny them of that?"
"I'm not denying them anything" Elaine growls slowing her pace.
"Clearly you need more time on the front line Elaine as I know war and "going to bed" isn't how we deal with the situation"
Elaine whips around, "I am the front line -" she snaps taking deep breaths to calm herself.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Lena asks incredulously.
"It's obvious isn't it?"
"You are Camelot's ward -"
"I'm just a Druid girl with a title bigger than herself!"
"You should be using your position and your power -"
"Do you not think I already have? I've tried to coax Morgana out of this, I can't stop this Lena, I can't change her mind - she doesn't listen to me. But rest assured I'll be doing everything in my power to find someone she will listen to. So do not think for one minute I'm denying these people anything" and with that she drifts around the corner and down to her chambers.

Lena is left standing partly speechless but the events that unfolded. Her mind was working overtime trying to decipher Elaine's many riddles. It was that or she touched a nerve somewhere. Lena wondered how she could be so adamant at a time like this.

"Have you seen Elaine" a voice asks that breaks Lena's train of thought. She turns to greet Gwen, walking down the corridor towards her with a basket of linen.
"Seen?" Lena asks, "Clashed more like - my best bet is she's gone to her chambers to sleep!"
"But it's midday" Gwen replies biting her lip, wondering why the Lady Elaine and Lady Lena had clashed.
"That's what I said..."
"Is everything alright?" Gwen asks concerned.
"To be quite honest I'm not quite sure, tread carefully Gwen" Lena says with a tender hand on the servants arm as the head in separate directions.

Elaine lies in the middle of the bed, head partially sinking between two pillows. What she would do for peace? Not only peace for the kingdom but for her own mind too! So many voices, and so many sights - the past few days whipped around her head is trapped in a storm. Agony. All it was doing was pushing her to do something, something she hadn't considered until now, the crystals deed.

Each time she closed her eyes she could see all that would come to pass. With each blink her options were whittled down until only one remained - she had to go back to the lake.

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