Morning Glory

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Gwen crept into the room to find Elaine still fast asleep - unaware she was caught in the binds of a dream. Initially she was unsure whether or not it was wise to wake her, but decided due to Elaine's tendency to cling onto the bed, it was better to start sooner rather than later.

"Elaine" she calls gently but receives no response.
"Elaine" she calls again - nothing.
Gwen sighs and effortlessly glides over to the window. She throws open the curtains and let's the morning glow into the previously dark room. She watches as the shaft of sunlight grows across the stone floor. It crawls up the side of the four poster bed and slides across the feather filled pillows stretching over Elaine's face. She squints slightly at the sudden bright light but remains asleep - trapped in a nightmarish state, where the smell of incense grows ever stronger and the colours begin to dissolve.

Gwen breezes over to the bed in her last attempt to wake up Camelot's newly found ward. She strips back the covers and to her surprise finds Elaine lying on the edge of the bed on the right hand side. For some strange reason this captivated Gwen, who imagined Elaine after making such a fuss about the bed not to be sprawled all over it.

Elaine's head began to slide off the pillow slightly as if looking for something or someone to rest it on, but suddenly comes to an unwelcome halt as she hits the mattress. A worried expression plastered over her face. She comes to slightly blinking in the morning sun, adjusting to her surroundings.

Morgana lays centred in the bed, Aithusa sprawled out to her left. The morning glow washes over her pale complexion, as her hand reaches up to her cold shoulder, in a search for an Elaine who would usually appear around this time. Nothing. Nothing but the chilling breeze whipping around her right side. She swallowed hard through gritted teeth annoyed that she had gotten so used to the thought of company. So attached to the child she unintentionally used as a windbreak. She didn't need anybody, but it was coming apparent that she did.


A thin hand stretched out from underneath Elaine in a desperate search for warmth. A warmth she no longer found, when she finally realised where she was. She had managed to surprise herself by the fact she was so used to "hovel life". She now belonged to a world in which Morgana wasn't allowed to exist, she was shut out of life and only mentioned by the brave. Her hand slowly retracted back as she looked around bleary eyed to confirm her new location. Pale, thin curtains hung loosely around the four sturdy twisted poles of the bed. The room was spacious and decorated for royalty. She was no longer living in dark and cramped conditions. The days where she practically slept on top of the fire were gone. The days where she stacked heavy bottles and books in front of draughty windows in a helpless attempt to stop the wind from howling around the room. Her gaze finally fell onto Gwen who stood there looking on hopelessly finally gaging what Elaine was looking for.
Elaine managed a small but sad smile and curled back up onto the bed, trying to block out the dream and the overwhelming smell of incense.

"Morning milady" Gwen's voice wafts with ease on the dry air. Elaine's eyes snap open - momentarily forgetting Gwen's presence in the room. She takes a deep breath and composes herself, the past is in the past. She looks up gingerly to find Gwen nervous to venture closer.

"Good morning" she says quietly.
"Are you alright?" Gwen asks with a hint of concern.
"Perfectly fine" Elaine nods but manages to avoid eye contact with her. Another white lie. Gwen stands there and swallows hard frowning slightly. Elaine certainly didn't look that fine moments ago but knew - mostly because of working for her siblings - that she'd be unwilling to delve deeper into the matter. Gwen gives minute nod and walks over to the bed busying herself with the sheets.

"A lot to do today milady"
"Please just call me Elaine!"
"Very well,"
"Wait Gwen what do you mean a lot to do?"
Gwen gives an embarrassed smile - she knew this was coming and she was fearful that Elaine would shoot the messenger.
"Well, you see, Arthur thinks that it will be good practice for you to attend the council meeting being held this morning, then he was going to introduce you to various members of staff, have you accompany him and quite possibly host the "garland competition", then he has to train the Knights and should he have time go for a hunt. Well I say he has time it depends how fast Merlin feels like working today...and that's what decides how much will be done today" Gwen seems to recite with ease. Elaine who had just about managed to sit up in the bed flops down in defeat. Throwing a pillow on top of her face in protest.

"No no no!" Her muffled moans are just loud enough for Gwen to hear. "I've told him about this I don't want to be introduced to anyone, I haven't even had time to think in this place! It's all going to fast Gwen -"

"I know, I know" Gwen reassures as if on some kind of autopilot, removing the pillow from Elaine's face. "I also know you aren't going to like what comes next..."
Elaine looks up into her face, fearful of what is going to come next.


It isn't long until Elaine finds herself trapped in council chamber, listening to the bookkeeper and various other members ramble on about problems and ideas.
"And as you can see Sire..." There's a pause "wait for it" thought Elaine - "and Elaine" - "there it is" she thought rolling her eyes, such an after thought, maybe if she had a title it'd work out better for her. Elaine was desperate to preoccupy herself and she wasn't having much fun dissecting their speeches.
"Our grain production has dropped slightly this month so we may need to fall back on reserves or dare I say cut down on consumption..." An awkward silence follows, "Just so there will be enough to go around?" He adds on quickly as if to make amends.
Elaine's eyes flicker to over to Arthur, "yeah right" she thought, the farmer clearly hadn't seen how many holes were in the Kings belt.
"Or import, we are but one of five major kingdoms"
"That'd be expensive though and may look like Camelot is unable to provide for its people - some may see it as a sign of weakness."
Elaine looked around the room dumbfounded by the voices that seemed to jump out of the shadows eager to be heard. She didn't even notice half of them were in the room.

This couldn't go on, Elaine's ears feel like they want to bleed, and to make it worse Arthur is keeping a close eye on her, in fact they all are, all eager for her input but Elaine remains tight lipped. She finds herself in a continuous cycle of looking concerned and then vigorously nodding to the solutions reached. It seems endless, she has already drunk all the water provided and her wandering eyes can find no food. Anything would be better than this, and it's only been ten minutes. She sighs as discretely as she can, knowing she will have to pay Arthur back for this.

"Anything but this" she mutters whilst pretending to take another sip of non existent water. It was going to be a long day.

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