Turning Tables

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Morgana's eyes narrowed, her hand reached for the sliding covers, yanking them back into place. There was a thud - but no real moan. Elaine had fallen face first into the cold stone floor. Morgana frowned her actions didn't get the desired effect she was going for - she leaned over the bed peering at Elaine - she didn't move.

Morgana sighed heavily, frustrated that getting revenge seemed more like hard work then aimless fun. She looked up into the moonlight as if having a moment of realisation. When did she get such a buzz for revenge? She had always wanted to beat Arthur at swordplay, or anything really and she did and she'd make sure that he'd never forget it but there was no need for revenge in Camelot amongst... Friends. She punched the bed with her fist - cursing herself for letting be her thoughts turn to Camelot, to the "good times" she wasn't that person anymore, how could she be after all that had come to pass.

Reluctantly she dropped her hand out from the bed and rolled Elaine over - she was freezing to touch. Morgana shuddered, thoughts of the Dorocha resurfacing...Morgause somehow caught up in the twisted mess. Her heart ached at the thought of her, she missed her so much and secretly longed for something to "replace" the comfort Morgause gave her - but no one could replace her. The thought was ludicrous, Morgause was the only one who understood, who accepted her. Morgana just really wanted to have someone around, someone to fill the void...Gwen was always around. She punched the bed again.
"Ugh" she groaned - Elaine's stunning spell must of dislodged one of Morgana's "memory barriers" - "why am I thinking of Camelot?".

She stared down at Elaine slowly as if answering her own question. She really was going to pay for that and then she realised something her eyes began to narrow, her expression became confused, piecing it all together. It wasn't Arthur who put her into the bed - it was Elaine. She shook her head and looked again - Elaine was slumped down by her side, as if she had given up, all the blankets were given to her - no wonder Elaine was so cold. Morgana felt a pang in her heart but she couldn't tell what it was - she couldn't possibly be touched by such a gesture could she?

Elaine stirred and a small frown appeared on her face when she saw Morgana's green eyes staring back at her. They appeared to be glowing in the dark. Elaine's were not so vibrant, they seemed dull, red and rather sad - constantly looking away as if she was guilty.

"Did you do this?" Morgana questioned. Elaine squirmed a pain had developed in between her shoulder blades.
"Answer me" Morgana snarled.
"Do what?" Elaine asks not overly with it.
"Move. Me." Morgana broke down the words as if to make them seem simpler.
"Yes" Elaine said bleakly.
"Why would you do that?"
"Because I care?" Elaine shrugged.

"Because you care?!" Morgana retorted - Elaine's honesty sounded ludicrous, "you wouldn't knock someone out because you care". Morgana allowed herself to think of a minute - no one had ever cared for her, the only person who gave her the time of day was Morgause and now she was gone too. Uther and Gaius turned her away, wouldn't listen to her views. Merlin tried to poison her and Arthur given half the chance would probably kill her on the spot to save his precious Kingdom. As for Gwen, Morgana felt a rage for her once loving servant out to steal her throne.

Elaine raised an eyebrow questioning Morgana, "Is caring such a crime?"
- "I thought you wanted me dead"
"Why would I want you dead?" She murmured pulling herself off the floor so she was around eye level with Morgana.
"Oh well I don't know - but you seem rather happy to knock me out - betraying one of your kind"
Elaine recoiled, the word "kind" given a whole new meaning.
"Nothing you haven't thought about doing before"
"Who are you to question me?!"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" Elaine sighed still unsure if Gaius was telling the truth, she just needed some sort of a sign.

"I'll make you pay for what you did" Morgana seethed, still on the bed.
"What did I do?"
Morgana threw her head back laughing, "You can't be serious"
"I may not always be serious but I like to try"
"For abusing my trust, my hospitality and trying to kill me!"
"I haven't abused any of that - I appreciate whole heartedly what you did for me that day - with out you I'd be dead..."
"Well it seems I just prolonged your life, don't worry - I can fix that"
"No..." Elaine said sadly "this isn't you - you don't mean that".
Elaine begins to look nervous, did she really underestimate Morgana that much? Was she too far gone to be saved?
"Oh so now you think you can tell me what I can and can't do - you have no right..."
"I have every right - when you found me half dead in the forest I did not see evil in you - this" Elaine thrusts her hand towards Morgana , as a gesture, who flinches slightly in return - "isn't you, you became this we can fix this -"
"I took pity on you and I was a fool to do so" Elaine looks away slowly, the words were more hurtful than she ever could of imagined.

"No - it's because you cared" Elaine stops, Morgana had locked her into a steely glare - "you don't get it do you?"
"What's there to get? You knocked me out!"
"You were going to kill Arthur"
"I don't believe this war is about legalising magic -"
"You will watch your tongue! I fight for the cause you don't" Morgana growls.
"Well think about it, if you didn't keep killing people and using magic to perform your dastardly deeds he might have legalised it - you should use it to aid people"
"Excuse me?"
"Arthur believes magic to be purely evil - you became this Morgana there was good in your heart and he has watched you fall to your demise and kill the people you swore to protect each time you go to take the throne..."
"The. Throne. Is. Mine."
"You can't take something that's already yours"

There was a silence - Morgana's eyes had glazed over but Elaine was unsure of whether it was regret or a new found hatred.

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