Sitting. Waiting. Wishing.

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The minutes seemed to span centuries and Elaine was struggling to stay awake. The only thing preoccupying her idle mind was her extreme lust for food. She manages to sneak an unimpressed face to Gwen which makes her smile, and Elaine smiles too. She feels guilty because all of her complaining -which should have been done to Arthurs face - meant that they were too late to have breakfast. Now Elaine was regretting it, and she could tell that Gwen was starting to feel hungry too.

Her arm falls limply to her waist and she clutches her rib cage, her desire for food growing. She leans into the table in a desperate attempt to hold in the hunger pains and to look more engaged. She looks down, her eyebrows knit together and she knows she doesn't have long.

"Sire!" The word burst out, surprising everyone in the room. She quickly throws an apologetic glance around the chamber and looks back to Arthur.
"I was wondering if I could be excused momentarily -"
"Whatever for?" Arthur asks readjusting himself in the wooden chair. It was clear to Elaine that he found this topic far more engaging.
"A lady never tells" she says confidentiality but with a look of urgency. Before Arthur can retaliate Elaine is already on her feet and carefully sliding the chair under the table. The wooden legs of the chair grind softly against the stone. The hollow sound sits heavy in the room.

"I am terribly sorry" she explains to the council members, "I don't know what's come over me - I think I just need some air! I'll be back momentarily" she smiles.
The council members all nod and mumble various apologetic phrases and well wishes. The faint hum of general chatter between themselves becomes audible.
"Guinevere if I could ask you to escort me I'd be most grateful" she says whilst walking to the end of the table and waits for Gwen. Her servant, closely watched by Arthur, quickly links arms with Elaine and together they begin to exit.
"You needn't wait for me gentlemen I'll be right with you" Elaine calls, throwing her head over her shoulder. And with that they both leave the council chamber allowing the heavy doors to close with a loud thud behind them.

"Some lady" Arthur tuts, trapped in the ongoing discussions, he knew her game and desperately wished to be with them. Alas the King had other, more "pressing" matters to contend with first. Just as quickly as the doors closed, the book keeper began to discussing drone on with yet another topic.

Confident that they were out of earshot and away from any prying eyes, Elaine's ladylike demeanour falls away.
"Thank the Gods for that!" She sighs, leaning heavily on Gwen. She tries to balance herself but still needs to hold onto Gwen's arms. Gwen is ready to steady her and holds onto her arms tightly.
"How did you get away with that?!" Gwen asks - clearly thankful to be out of the stuffy room.
"Years of practice, I've often got in with the wrong crowd - which wasn't intended, and well, that usually seems to work. Although it seems there is more truth in my words than I realised!" She gives a small smile, "plus I couldn't leave you there to suffer could I!"
"Thank you for that! I didn't think I was going to make it out of that one and I've been in a few!"
"You and I both!" Elaine smiles and leans on the stone wall in an alcove.
"Are you alright milady"
"Starving if I'm honest - I think you are too" she winks , "would you mind Gwen, running to get something - I'll be fine here - I promise"

"Are you sure you can't make it to your chambers?" Gwen asks as her face floods full of concern.
" I don't think so - plus I told the boys I wouldn't be long." Elaine says as she brings a hand to her head. "Look they've even conveniently built a small stone ledge for me - just my luck Eh" she tries to convince Gwen desperately.
"Only if you are sure" she adds before running off down the corridors of Camelot.

Elaine stands alone against the wall in the alcove. Waiting.

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