Going Under

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Here you go aithusas : I promised you fan fiction so here is a slightly altered piece. It feels better now I've started so I'm hoping to get through this reactively quickly so I can get back into Heartlines. Kristina08G I'm sure you deserve it to! I'm also hoping I can remember the end of that confrontation one shot. Wish me luck and enjoy - hopefully :3 hopefully it'll be better this time and hopefully it'll make sense and I'll have a plan, (we are all doomed)


"Looking up from underneath, fractured moonlight on the sea - reflections still look the same to me
As before I went under"

Elaine begins to sink like a stone and it takes her a moment to realise what is going on. Her head clouded with "should have beens" and visions, and that sheer moment of elation, shock and joy that flashed across Morgana's face for the briefest of moments. She had never seen Morgana like that before, and it was one moment that would stay with her for the rest of her life, not that she knew how long it'd last. The good was in there somewhere - she just had to find it, but how could she now? What good was she at the bottom of a lake. The vision hadn't shown her that part, or at least she couldn't recall it.

It became apparent to Elaine, as she traveled further down into the lake, that she had never really planned this part - that she had no idea what was left for her. In fact, she hadn't even seen this coming.

In an act that should be terrifying - Elaine was distracted by beauty, seeing the world in a way she had never seen it before. It was such a distraction that she hadn't noticed the horrors below. She watched as the sun rays danced on the glistening surface that bobbed in the breeze. The golden glow was able to penetrate to aqua blue of the the crystal like surface - and Elaine had never seen colours and beauty like it. Then the darkness came. The greens and blues bled into a mustard coloured murky glow. Shadows moved at a blazing speed through the weeds. The light of the land - the land she knew so well - had no power here, darkness was coming. The warmth of the water dissipated in an instant. Elaine was loosing sight of it all - her temple began to burn, and she became aware of what was going on. Panic set in - it was too late. She tried to fight it, her arms that once flowed with ease as she graced the depths regained their strength. She thrashed the water, but the sheer weight of it made it nearly impossible to get anywhere. In fact the only difference she made to her surroundings were to send plumes of bubbles fizzing up towards the surface. Why was this happening? She hadn't even completed her spell yet, so this definitely shouldn't be happening!

Only now was Elaine becoming ever more aware of her situation, of the shadows coming ever closer - clawing at her. It felt like they were tearing at her clothes. She could see "them" but she couldn't make out what they looked like. Panic, fear and the constant rush of water, only allowed her to make out black ribbon like shapes. In ways they reminded her of tentacles not that she had ever really seen them, only read about them. One such translucent black tentacle got so close she tried to push herself away but it stung the incision she had made on her hand moments earlier, and it burned.

She tried to scream but the water flooded her mouth - what was the point? What good would it do? The pressure, the weight crushed her until it was all that she could see - darkness. Somewhere there was a glint of light, or was it muddied yellow water? At least she couldn't see the creatures of the deep and the weeds that were set to entangle her. Alone in a watery grave - could this be her end. She never imagined this to be the end and yet at the same time she never imagined an end. She looked up but the light was all but gone now - she didn't want to give up, this wasn't what was supposed to happen! And yet all she could do was give in. She closed her eyes against the rushing water, encasing her world in darkness - a darkness that seemed far more pleasant than the one she was trapped in. She was to be the master of her fate.

Elaine hadn't noticed that in her final moments a pale and slender hand had plucked her further into the depths, out of the reach of the darkness and into a brilliant bright light.

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