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~~~ HUZZAH WIFI AGAIN - at an airport so please excuse any bad grammar - when I have decent wifi I'll fix any mistakes there may be - I just wanted to get it all down as I've been having ideas for other chapters I can't seem to get down until I get these out of the way - I just hope it's worth it and I can remember it all 😁 - for you Kristina (until I can dedicate on the app 😂) ~~~

Upon hearing Gwen's startled yelp - Merlin skids through the door to find both Elaine and her handmaiden in a crumbled hysterical heap on the bed.

"What on earth is going on?" He asks hands on his hips.
"Mer-Lin what are you doing here?" Elaine says in between laughs, still managing to accentuate his name just like Arthur does. Merlin tuts, they really were related.
"Well I thought Gwen was in trouble" Merlin began.
"There's nothing to fear here Merlin" Elaine states eyes narrowing, "we are only fooling around - I'm sure you'd know all about that"
Merlin frowns, not sure whether he should take offence and decides to nod instead of retaliating. Elaine keeps him fixed in a steady gaze, one which reminds Merlin of Gauis' when ever Merlin was in trouble. Although the only problem was that Merlin couldn't work out what he had done.

By the time the debate was over Gwen had already managed to get back onto her feet and had started to fix and plump up the cushions on the bed.

"Right - I think it's time we freshen you up and get you a change of attire" Gwen says to Elaine.
"But this is my best dress" she mumbles still trying to bury herself within the covers.
"Your best dress?!" Merlin mutters surprised. Elaine's dress was of a similar fashion to Morgana's. Black with hints of forest green, good for camouflage Merlin imagined. It was probably why they hadn't come under Camelot's radar very much - and it hung loosely upon Elaine's petit frame. Although since the Le Fay's feud Elaine's dress had war wounds of its own.

"Come on milady" Gwen beckons.
Elaine groans, the past few days had been and gone in a whirlwind like fashion and she hadn't had a chance to get back on her feet again.
"Yeah don't make me come over there!" Merlin joked.
"Haven't you got work todo?" Elaine questioned but her voice was muffled.
"Right that's it" Merlin proclaimed semi-seriously, whilst rolling up his sleeves. He marched over to the bed, and just like he does with Arthur, takes Elaine by the arms and drags her out of the bed. Although unlike Arthur - Elaine is a little more prepared for being dumped on to the cold stone floor and so clasps onto the covers allowing them to slide underneath her.

Merlin plonks her on the floor and proceeds to stretch. Elaine sits up in her nest like surroundings. Gwen helps her up and is somewhat unimpressed by the mess both Elaine and Merlin had caused. She sighs - a handmaidens work is never done. It is the first time she is able to see Elaine's frail frame.
"How did you guys survive in the forest?" The words slip from Gwen's mouth and she appears embarrassed for being so direct.
Elaine looks down one arm around her ribs.
"Things aren't always in abundance in the forest - we take what we can get." Elaine's gaze drifts off to the window. "Morgana's the same if not worse" she whispers.
Gwen bites her lip, never sure of what to say when Morgana's name was mentioned. Elaine looks up at Gwen.
"It's alright," she adds "it's what I'm used to - I ate quite well with her, and I appreciate it immensely. Morgana finds it harder, as she's been used to the Camelot way of life".

Elaine glances over to Merlin, he hadn't seemed to be paying attention, especially at the mention of Morgana's name, he seemed to switch off. Elaine guessed it was out of guilt, she still had to confront him about that. Elaine looks back over to Gwen who seems to have fixed the bed within a blink of an eye, and she gives her a small smile.

"Let's get you sorted - Arthurs waiting for you" Gwen says softly, and Elaine nods, sealing her fate and allowing them to transform her into the Lady that Camelot had been lacking.

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