Daydream in Blue

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It is now early afternoon. Sunlight thronged the open green oasis' where the branches couldn't reach. Large dragonflies hovered over stagnant waters. Becoming nothing more than vivid streaks of red and blue. Although I hardly noticed them. My mind reeling from all information Gaius had departed not a half an hour earlier. I felt drained, questions I had asked all my life had finally been answered. How was I going to tell Arthur? How would I tell Morgana? Or would I? Would it be better to remain a secret, would our new found bond throw a dagger in the grand scheme of destiny?

It wasn't long until I found myself back at the hovel. I was on autopilot, I don't remember entering the hovel. In fact I don't remember much after that.

I awoke suddenly, patches of sunlight brushed across the stone wall. A shadow slowly growing in front of my blurry eyes reaching out to me.

"Elaine!" It was a familiar voice, and who ever it belonged to had scooped me up into there arms. Their heart was beating fast, pounding in my ear. My face partly tangled up in their hair. "Oh Elaine, I was so worried about you!"

"Morgana? Is it Wednesday already?" I pulled away, my eyes had adjusted to the light and I could see her look of concern turning to one of relief. "I'm just so glad that you are ok" she said, letting out a deep breath as she clasped my face with cold hands.
"I'm fine" shuddering slightly at her touch,
"Morgana, what's wrong,did something happen? Are you hurt?"
"I could ask you the same thing"
"Morgana please, I'm fine honestly"
Her hand slowly slid off my face, and she stood up moving to the end of the bed.

I could see her contemplating her words. Shaking her head gently every time she went to begin. I watched on with wondering eyes.

"I had a dream" she said finally.

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