If Walls Could Speak

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The corridors of Camelot are vast - smooth stone walls bleed into an equally smooth stone floor. They are crisp and clean - their soft cream colour absorbs the morning sun making it feel warm. Elaine is overwhelmed by the beauty of it all.

Shields, tapestries and ornate candle stands are the only decor the already slick corridor needs - giving it an element of texture. "Yes" - Elaine thought to herself, "this could be home". Although her daydreaming had placed her in a spot of bother - she could no longer hear the bumbling echoes that used to lie ahead of her. She stood alone in the middle of the corridor.

"Great, just great" she sighed moving over to the arched window. The view was magnificent - the pale orange and yellow glow seeping over the sleepy village in Camelot, and creeping up the castle's walls. She found herself wondering why Morgana ever felt the need to leave this luxury, why dwell in a squalor when she was a well respected lady? This was something Elaine could never understand.

She leant on the stone ledge and quickly found that her newly formed question was about to answer itself.

Elaine's vision is blurred - she blinks rapidly to try and clear her vision - she's in the corridor but the light is different - it's pale leached of all life. Her father, Uther is dragged past her, she looks down surprised to see him. Was this his death? No it couldn't be, he looked so peaceful - and he continues to move off, she looks up to see a younger looking Merlin - more gangly than ever and then...Morgana. Wearing an ornate green dress. Elaine stares at her in awe - looking into a world she should have been a part of.

They haven't seemed to notice Elaine, she tries to speak but words fail her. They continue to drag Uther further past her in a hurry, Elaine looks down the corridor - nothing. Why were they so afraid? She turns to look out of the window - the sky is nothing but white - it tears through the town forcing Elaine to look down only to see a courtyard full of sleeping bodies. What kind of nightmare was this?

Suddenly Morgana screams, a heap on the floor and Elaine snaps back into action - a Knight all clad in black marches rigidly towards her - Elaine looks to Merlin who is hesitant and with s face full of regret continues to pull her father out of harms way. She runs over to Morgana who is shielding herself against the wall, Elaine tries to help but Morgana can't hear her questioning pleas all she can see is her eyes full of fear. She had never seen Morgana like this before. This was a Morgana she never knew - such innocence. Elaine is desperate to console her sister, to feel the warmth of her touch, to help but her ghostly state prevents any contact and Elaine feels powerless. Her eyes mirror Morgana's - full of fear for what will become of her sister.

Elaine looks up the Knight looms over them - sword raised - Merlin waits knowing that the impact was about to strike and then begins to pull away again. Elaine stands up defiant, hand raised ready to strike herself - the sword plummets down going straight through Elaine as if she was nothing more than smoke in the air - Morgana's screams ringing in her ears, Elaine shouts her name - and there is silence.

Her eyes open - she hasn't moved but the light has returned. She backs away from the wall in horror, heart racing, her eyes frantically searching for her sister who had disappeared into thin air. It seemed the walls had stories of their own.

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