Forest Floor

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« If you have read up to the last chapter - I just want to let you know there has been some minor changes to it and added what I hope is a respectable ending »

Elaine flops back down on to the forest floor, signing heavily. The future was moving quicker than she ever expected it to. Her head burns with all the information that Morgana had just departed moments ago.

Tiny brown leaves rustle as she exhales. The pain in her head is excruciating. It bubbles and mixes with her broken heart and overwhelming disappointment. The day just seemed to go from bad to worse. Her meeting with Morgana had left her numb, she couldn't be bothered to move at all. She closes her eyes and listens to the noises of the forest. Waiting to be found.

"Over here!" Someone cries
"The Lady Elaine!" Replies another. Once again the sound of footfall rouses her. She raises her head and notes them as they stumble down towards her. Percival and Gwaine lead the procession towards her, whilst the others scour the perimeter.

Percival is quick to stoop down and come to her aid. She smiles at them wearily.
"Are you alright milady?" He asks, as his arms scoop her off the ground.
"Elaine, please", She smiles wearily at them, "and I think so".
Gwaine clocks her wound and raises a suggestive eyebrow. "Had one to many did we?" He questions winking cheekily at her.
"I'll have you know I wasn't drinking Sir" she says somewhat sternly but his charm raises a smile and that's all he wanted.
"Are you sure? It's alright to admit it, you are amongst friends! I mean I should know, I don't get wounds like that without having a few drinks on me!"
"Not even when fighting?" She questions, letting herself relax in Percival's strong hold.
"Of course not!" He laughs "I'm far to good" he teases.
"You wish!" Percival chuckles. The humour lightens the mood but Elaine has another burning question in her mind.

"Do excuse me gentlemen but how on earth did you find me?"
"Well when your horse returned riderless, the guards told Arthur and he sent us to find you." Percival reveals.
"We passed a patrol who told us that your horse was seen coming from this direction, so we took out chances and look what we found!" Gwaine explains, watching the other Knights check the surroundings.
"I think the real question is - how did this happen?" He asks taking a closer look at her, as Percival helps her to her feet.
"Well," she begins, "I was out riding and something spooked my horse, he reared and bolted leaving me lying on the floor stone cold..." She answers. It wasn't far from the truth really. She looks to Gwaine, "sober" she adds for good measure and he chuckles lightly. Elaine has a sudden rush of blood to the head and stumbles slightly, still latching on to the leather pouch which is concealed by her cloak. Percival is quick to catch her.
"Steady!" He reassures her as she leans heavily into him. He was a giant of a man who seemed to engulf her but she appreciated the warmth that radiated out of him. Unbeknown to her, Gwaine watches her closely and the area around her. There were very few rocks visible but she could have rolled for all he knew.

The other Knights stride over to join them.
"The area seems secure but there is evidence of plenty of movement in this area which is abnormal" Leon proclaims.
"You were lucky milady" Lancelot adds, "these woods have been teaming with bandits recently, it's just as well we found you first".
Elaine looks away sheepish, little did they know of her previous visitor.
"There was also a fire nearby, I can't tell what was there before but it must of been deliberate as the place is decimated." Elyan states.
A little piece of Elaine sinks with every word that is said, and Percival notices the difference in weight, as she rests heavily upon him.
"You alright milady?" He asks concerned.
"I'm quite alright" she reassures him, "a bit lightheaded that's all."
"These woods are no place for a lady!" Leon begins.
"It seems I don't know them as well as I thought I did" she sighs. "Though I must count my blessings! Not everyone is lucky enough to be watched over by such hardy men as yourselves, I am truly grateful".
"It is a pleasure" Lancelot says, on behalf of them all.
"To Camelot then!" Gwaine says helping to lead her by the hand and onto the back of his horse. The Knights mount theirs in unison and with Elaine holding on tight to Gwaine, they ride towards the castle that peaks over the swaying trees.

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