A Dinner Date of Sorts

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It is later that evening and Elaine sits across from Arthur in his chamber. She may have been knocked out by a 300 year old sorcerer in a cave, but she didn't forget to meet Arthur for dinner. The candles flicker and there is the smallest glimmer of light from the summer sunset shines through the window.

Elaine watches her brother as he discreetly gorges himself on the fruit the cooks had provided at the end of the meal. Elaine swirls her goblet in her hand. The liquid sloshes around the golden goblet and Elaine watches inquisitively as it catches the candlelight.

"Having fun?" Asks Arthur looking up from his plate. She raises her eyebrows as an answer but doesn't break her eye contact with the water.
"How is your head?" He asks again.
She looks up at him this time. "Still there" she smiles briefly.
"Look I didn't want to have to give out earlier..." He begins and she looks back at him.
"Oh yeah, no that's fine" she nods.
"Elaine, what's wrong?" Arthur questions, "you've been distant today"
"Well I thought I was doing the right thing - I just wanted to feel the land Arthur to know what I was letting myself in for. And what do I get? Council meeting humiliation and a head injury" she mumbles.
"I think you did all of that to yourself...?" He says shrugging nervously and Elaine looks at him with a sullen glare.
"What is wrong with me going out? Arthur all of this is happening so fast for me I can't keep up. Everyday I'm being introduced to more and more people, and I'm losing myself. I had asked for this not to happen. This is your life mine believe it or not was in the forest!"
"I know -"
"I don't think you do!"
"- but things happen, today is an example of that. You have a place here now and responsibilities along with it!"
Elaine sighs. "You want so much from me, today I really tried to make you proud and it seems I can't even do that. You see Arthur I was aware that you as a King are responsible for more than just this Kingdom - your home - you are responsible for the surrounding land too! A land I was exploring in greater detail"
"Unaccompanied!" He butts in.
"Don't get me started on that topic"
"Why so?" He asks.
"Because you of all people should understand!" She snaps, "you were and probably still are the same. You slope out of this castle and no one bats an eyelid! Once Camelot's beloved Prince, heir to the throne - wandering around the forest because you wanted to escape. Like the day you walked into the hovel after getting caught in the rain or have you forgotten?" She says more harshly than she had intended too. His gaze falls to the table, she had a point. He understood where she was coming from and yet didn't have the courage to back her up on it.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think you understand the responsibilities that comes with your new found station!"
"It's too soon" she argues, "plus I think you are the one being obnoxious I had asked you not to go about showing me off like that"
"That's a big word for someone like you" he teases playfully trying to add humour to the evening. "Are you sure you know what it means?"
"It may surprise you to know that I'm not completely useless and I am educated" she smiles slyly. "Just not in a way you'd approve of"
"Oh! Is that so" he says raising his eyebrows as if to seem impressed.
"And Id hate to boast but I know words you wouldn't know where to begin with" she grins deviously.
"Try me!" His arrogance seeps through the kingly exterior.

Elaine jumps out of her chair and rushes over to another set of draws by the window. She collects a piece of parchment, ink and a quill. Shuffling back over to the main table she lays out all of her supplies. Arthur watches on, intrigued.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"You'll see" she replies as she hunched over the table, crudely scrawling down a single word. The orange candle light spills over the page, illuminating the scribble. The sound of the quill scratching the parchment fills the silence. It isn't her neatest work but she seems pleased as she stands up and admires it.

Picking it up, she hands it to Arthur, who quickly takes it off her interested to see what she has done. A single word, "Strangap" is written.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He questions.
"That doesn't matter! Try it out" she urges.
"Is it even a word?" He asks looking at her.
"Of course it is I'm not stupid,"
"That's debatable" he mumbles. She frowns but let's it slide. The is a moment of silence as he inspects the word, and Elaine grows impatient.
"Fine," she sighs, "if you aren't up to it" she slips the paper out of his fingers.
"Who said I'm not up to it?" He argues, grabbing the parchment back off her.
"We'll get on with it!"
"I'm just concerned" he states.
"Because it's magic isn't it?" He asks cautiously.
"Might be" she smiles nervously.
"Magic is banned in Camelot" he states clearly.
"Good thing I'm not saying it then!" She smiles, coming over and slipping her arms over his shoulders. "Come on, try it" she whispers in his ear. He holds the paper up and inspects it once more.

"St-ran-gap" he says quietly breaking it up. Elaine's arms slip out of his view and she leans on the table beside him.
"What was that?" She asks.
"Well I said it didn't I?"
"Dreadfully if you are asking!" She replies appalled by his attempt.
"That's a bit harsh" he argues.
"Only because you can do better, go again, but as one word!"
Arthur sighs and lifts the paper up again. His goblet can be seen over the edge of the paper.
"Strangap" he says again a little louder than before. His goblet shakes slightly fir a fraction of a second and Arthur lowers the parchment looking at it carefully and then to Elaine. She shrugs and watches the now still goblet, deep in concentration and awe.
"Try that again!" She urges, "with a bit of life, I think you are getting somewhere!"
"I'm not so sure..."
"What harm can it do?" She beseeches.

Arthur looks concerned, but Elaine's pleading eyes talk him round.
Raising the parchment one last time, concentration floods his face.
"Strangap" he proclaims this time lowering the sheet of parchment. His goblet flies across the table towards him at an astonishing speed. Elaine manages to catch it just before it hits him in the face. It takes all of her strength not to laugh at the Kings startled expression, as he stands up in a flap.
"Well that's something I'll never forget!" She says astounded.
"Did I?-" Arthur begins somewhat petrified. "Was that?-" he asks eyes wide still in shock. Elaine looks dumbfounded but a stupid grin breaks across her face.
"Of course it wasn't you, you fool" she laughs, hitting him playfully on the shoulder.
"But...you? You didn't say anything?"
"I don't need to!" She winks.
"So you?"
"Yes," she nods, "and I thank you dearly, firstly it's something I'll never forget, secondly Im parched" she teases as she raises his goblet as if to toast him and takes a sip. Arthur stares on, mouth half open still trying to comprehend what just happened.
"Well don't do that, you'll catch flies" she giggles, "and can I just say Arthur, your face was priceless!"

"ELAINE!" Her name echoes through the corridors, her laughter following.

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