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(To prove I am still alive)

Elaine's horse clatters loudly over the wooden drawbridge. The horses hooves churn up dried leaves an dirt as Elaine races into the forest towards the lake of Avalon. Her heart races, each beat in time with that of her horse. There was no stopping her now, there was no turning back. Destiny had chosen her path and Elaine could do nothing more than walk down it. Though to her it felt more like walking a plank. Her eyes light up as her voice travels the length and breadth of the land in search for her sister, Morgana.

Morgana sits alone in a stone throne room being suffocated with ivy and vines. Despite the gaping holes in the ceiling which ️let shafts of sunlight spill through the room still held a gloominess to it. Her head is down, as if in mourning, mourning for all that she has lost. First it was her for her father but he was nothing but a lie - then her father - he was monstrous. She lost her throne, her sister and now the one place she could call home, and as for Elaine she was nothing but a smudge, a lose thread in the tapestry of her life. She was there and then she wasn't. As the thought consumes her mind, so does Elaine's voice. It starts off a a whisper but grows into a more audible sound. Becoming less like a request and more like a demand.

"Morgana, come to the Lake of Avalon - I've got something you might want"

Morgana raises her head slowly, letting Elaine's voice echo around her mind. Her emerald eyes search the darkness, seeking her out but Elaine isn't hiding here. Morgana tries to fight it but the possibilities of what Elaine could be referring too become to much for her. A smirk appears upon her pale face, twisting her dark lips into a sly smile. Elaine had finally seen the light.


Merlin helps Gaius prepare his medicines. He lines them up in the table and scribbles down on a piece of parchment who he must deliver them to. Merlin wasn't one for writing them down, but after an unfortunate mishap, Gaius demanded it so. The nib of the quill scrapes the rough parchment and then he stops, half way through the word, "Sir Galahad", letting the dark ink blot the page.
"Merlin are you listing to me?"
Merlin doesn't reply, his vision seemed to blur and his head swayed momentarily. His limbs loosened and the nib cut through the parchment leaving a blotted line in its wake.
"Merlin my boy, what ever is the matter?"

Elaine's words are nothing more than a whisper in his mind, so faint, so distant but distinctly hers. He looks up into his worried mentors blue eyes and Gaius' frown seems to intensify.
"It's Elaine, she's with Morgana..."
Gaius' mouth falls open but words fail him, and it takes him a moment to realise that his apprentice has scarpered off to his room to grab his neckerchief.
"I'm going after her" he calls from his room.
"Shouldn't you tell Arthur?"
"I don't think nows the time Gaius, I might be able to intercept her if I leave now -"
Gaius stops Merlin as he runs back through the main chamber. Merlin turns his gaze away from the door and to Gaius.
"I really hoped she wouldn't be the same" Merlin whispers,
"As did I, be careful Merlin - please"
Merlin nods and clasps Gaius' hand before leaving the room.

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