Things you don't want to hear

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"What do you mean already mine?"
"Well it's obvious isn't it? Have you forgotten who you are?"
"Don't try riddles with me Elaine" Morgana scowled.
"You are Morgana Pendragon - High Priestess of the Old Religion - you grew up in Camelot, it will forever be a part of you - just like your right to the throne"
"So you do believe I should take the throne"
"That's not what I said - I said you do have a right somewhere along the line - but do you honestly believe that killing Arthur will achieve all you want?"
"Of course it will!"
"Well I don't think so" Elaine said simply face blank, starting to get up. Morgana was enraged - how could Elaine just sit there and point blank deny to her face that her efforts were for nothing -Morgause wouldn't of done that.

"You will pay" Morgana seethed, her eyes glowing gold causes a wind to pick up and hit Elaine who deflects it. The heels of her boots scrape the stone floor, the face and hands cut from the flying shrapnel, she seems in pain but is still very much conscious. Elaine deflects most of the spell into the empty fire out behind her causing it to erupt into life given Elaine a demonic looking silhouette. Morgana stares at her dumbfounded and somewhat terrified - no one has ever deflected even an inch of her spells. Elaine took a minute to compose herself.

"Like I was saying - your efforts have only gone against you" , Morgana began to move to the end of the bed.
"All you have done is prove that magic is a force of evil - you had a chance to show that it could be used for good! You think that killing Arthur will have the kingdom grovelling at your feet? That people will trust you and abide by you - if anything you've made them even more terrified of magic - they wouldn't dream of going near you let alone accept you as their queen you've got this wrong!"

"Stop it!"
"You can't stop the truth Morgana you can't carry on like this - please" " Who are you to lecture me? To let my perfect chance of killing Arthur disappear into thin air?!"
"A person who cares enough to try and help you"
"You have done nothing to help me!"
"That not..." Elaine whimpers unable to finish her sentence - Morgana has had enough. Standing at the end of her bed she holds Elaine in a tight invisible bind, slowly crushing her. Aithusa is startled and sets Morgana off balance causing Elaine to become even more contorted.
"I've had enough of this, of you, of Arthur - Camelot even - they shall feel my wrath and you will be the first to die at my hand - you would have made a great ally but you will die a traitor!" Her spell drags Elaine closer to her,
"Morgana" Elaine breathes struggling to get any words out
"Oh now you beg? They always do, it's to late for you now - you should have thought about this sooner"
"Morgana please"
"ENOUGH" Morgana roars and with a thrust of her hand Elaine is sent sliding across the floor settling at the base of the fire.

Aithusa looks over to Elaine - unmoving a black silhouetted heap in front of a blazing orange fire - and then back to Morgana looking menacing as the orange glow flickers on her face. Aithusa nudges her elbow and Morgana looks down at the tiny dragon - "what?" She questions the tiny creature - "I..." She pauses and sits down in quiet realisation - she is lost of words and doesn't feel an over whelming sense of achievement. Aithusa stares on perplexed.

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