Second Chances

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"Elaine, dear, I believe you need some rest! It looks like you haven't had one in days. You can take Merlin's bed tonight and we will sort you out in the morning" Gaius says patting her on the back gently, weary of Merlin's eyes brimming with questions. Merlin pretends to look shocked and Elaine looks nervous.
"No, honestly I don't need to"
"Doctors orders" Merlin winks to her - "it's fine, you need it more than me" he smiles as he points to the door at the end of the room. Gaius hands her a chalice full of water and sends her on her way.

They watch her ascend the stairs but stop midway, she turns, "thank you Gaius and Merlin - I appreciate it more than you know"
"No problem at all milady" Gaius teases and she smiles and continues into the small room, closing the door behind her.

Merlin's gaze falls from the door and down to Gaius who stands in front of him.
"I'm guessing you'd like to know what what was all about" Gaius says in hushed tones.
"Well I was just about to come and tell you what I found out but it seems you already know or should I say knew?" Merlin raises a condescending eyebrow. Gaius sighs, "it's only all beginning to make sense now if I'm honest"
Gaius gestures to the table and they both sit themselves down and begin to discuss the knowledge they have acquired.

It is late evening and the candles are beginning to dwindle, Merlin and Gaius are still locked in discussions.
"Can she be trusted Gaius?"
"Of course she can Merlin whatever do you mean, she's merely a lady now?"
"Well we all know Mordred wasn't all that he seemed - if she poses a threat I need and must know - Arthur too"
"Elaine poses no threat need I remind you that Camelot's king was spared today?"
"I guess so but she was in league with Morgana!"
"No my boy, she was never in league with her - she lived with her"
"Don't know how anyone could live with her" Merlin muttered trying to suppress his guilt.
"Merlin, it may have escaped your notice but I'm sure somewhere under her "evil" facade is still the caring Morgana and doting ward we all know and love - it's there somewhere I don't know why but I believe in Elaine and her words - she has managed to scrape the surface with Morgana and I believe she will again"
"How can you know you've only known her five minutes"
"I see you've grown up from your gullible and trusting ways Merlin - but I'll have you know I was around for Elaine's birth - I do admit I smuggled her out, many reasons magic being one of them"
Merlin looks Gaius in the eye,
"She has magic?"
"Indeed she does"

Merlin gives Gaius a small smile, and then looks up to the small door at the end of the room. To him it felt like a fresh start. When he looked at Elaine he saw Morgana - How she was so alone and terrified of her magic, how he wasn't brave enough to utter the words when she needed them the most. He saw the Morgana that could have been, only to be left with a version hellbent on destruction. Merlin couldn't forgive himself for what he did to her, but at least now he felt like he had a second chance.


Elaine sits on Merlin's bed in the dark, only the shafts of moonlight through the window illuminate a section of the room. The metal chalice gleams in glow of the moon. She can't sleep, partly because her head is still ringing from the impact and the crashing noise of Morgana shattering the shelves and glasses. It haunts her.

She shakes her head trying to rid it of the ringing that drones on, knowing that she shouldn't have pent up her magic like that. She exhales deeply and removes the chalice from the table beside the bed, swirling it around in her hand. She waves her hand over the glass and in the water a vision starts to emerge. She watches as Morgana sits huddled on the large bed, cursing and sending pottery flying to mask her sense of betrayal and sadness. Aithusa nestled on her lap.

A teardrop causes the image to disperse, shattering into silver lined ripples.

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