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Arthur watches the Knights return with Elaine from Lena's window.
She watches him over the rim of her goblet as she takes a sip. How his concerned expression fades away.

"I haven't seen you so worried in a long time" she states casually, waltzing over to him.
"I told her not to wander off" he says turning to her.
"I don't think that's quite true" she says her eyes narrowing. He tuts,
"You know what I mean!" He argues. "She didn't tell anyone!"
"I'm liking her already"
"Lena" he enforces with a steady glare.
"You can't keep her locked up in the castle" Lena tries to explain,
"I'm not locking her up!"
They watch as Elaine is helped off of the horse by Gwaine and Percival. Arthur seems surprised by the amount of help she required and could tell something wasn't right. He looks back to Lena and raises an eyebrow as if to prove a point.
"I'm not losing another sister" he states clearly.
"Well if she drives you this mad Id like to meet her" she says as turning to face him as he marches to the door.
"Humm... Maybe so, but haven't you got something better to do like brushing your hair?" He teases standing in the door frame.
"Well if you are so desperate for some time alone I'll just have to wait" she smiles watching him closely.
"You'd do that for me?" He says pretending to be touched, raising his hand to his chest.
"Only if your lucky, Arthur Pendragon" she teases, "but just remember it could of happened to anyone!" She looks up from the table to find she was addressing an empty room, and with that she raises her goblet once more.


Arthur storms down the corridors and various staircases if his kingdom at a lightning speed, until he reaches his physicians chambers. Even before he enters he can hear Elaine complaining, he shakes his head and enters.
"I really don't think this is necessary"she says whilst Gauis and Merlin fuss over her and Percival and Gwaine stand and watch helpfully fetching things when asked. Arthur walks in to find that they had laid Elaine on the table as if in some sort of emergency and Arthur's face is wrought with confusion. All heads turn to him as he stands not far from the now open door. Elaine looks up to see him, still pinned to the table.
"Please tell them this isn't necessary"

Arthur is somewhat dumbfounded and isn't entirely sure where to begin.
"Arthur" she states again, "I am capable of sitting"
"You weren't capable of standing when we saw you" Gwaine admits.
"That was one time" she hisses. Arthur raises his eyebrows taking in the information.
"Where on earth were you?" He questions somewhat accusingly.
"I went out" she says casually as Gaius daps her wound with water. Arthur watches Gaius carefully.
"What happened?" He half shouts in dismay.
"It's nothing serious" she reassures him, only to look up at Gaius, "it's not serious is it?" She asks inquisitively.
"No I think you should be alright my dear" he says looking at her with tentative light blue eyes.
"She was riding in the forest Sire, her horse was spooked by something and reared. Elaine fell as it bolted leaving her in the forest, hence why it returned riderless." Percival steps up answering Arthur's question that had been left hanging in the air.
"Thank you Percival," he says nodding to him, "and to you Gwaine for bringing her back, should you see the others please tell them I am grateful, I'll thank you all once I've dealt with her" he says and the Knights nod in agreement of his statement.
"Though there were signs of movement in the area, most likely bandits and remains of a fire, and a large one at that - she was lucky she was found by us first" Gwaine adds.
"Very well, we should increase our patrols I think to keep an eye on the bandit parties that pass through, I dong like how close they are getting."

"I am still here you know" she moans.
Merlin hands Gaius a damp cloth.
"And as for you! Why did you not tell anyone?"
"I did...in away"
"You took a horse, you went alone - anything could have happened!"
"I was merely getting to know the land" she says moving her hands in the air.
"Oh very well I see, look at the state of you!" He says gesturing to her and striding closer.
"How hard were you hit on the head?"
"Clearly not hard enough" she mutters, still being able to recall the cavernous event much to her dismay.
"You should have told someone!"
"I did" she argues, "I told Gwen".
"I know because I was talking to her, she didn't think you were going to scour the lands that far out, she was under the impression you were going to be walking around the immediate lands of the facility!"
"Ok ok, I'm sorry" she sighs, pudding herself up. She sits on the table.
"Now isn't that better" she smiles. Arthur rolls his eyes and makes to leave.
"I'll see you at dinner" she calls, laughing a little. Gaius looks at her unsure if she's somewhat delusional. The Knights follow Arthur out but Gwaine hangs back for Merlin.
Merlin looks to Gaius, "are you alright he asks?"
"Yes of course my boy, nothing I can't handle"
"Ok," Merlin says, "Id stay but I feel Arthur may want me soon".
Just as he finished his sentence, Merlin's name echoes through the building.
"Duty calls" he says, and Gwaine laughs following him out.
"Destiny more like" Elaine snickers, and Gaius looks at her. "I'm guessing you know." She nods, smiling.
Gaius sighs, rummaging through his shelves.
"Everything alright?" She asks, watching him.
"It seems I have to go to my storeroom, my dear, I do apologise, I'll only be a moment."
"That's alright Gaius. I'll be here" she says happily as she watches him shuffle out of the room. She waits for a minute and slips off of the bench and sneaks up into Merlin's room. She looks around briefly until she finds what she is looking for. She reaches under his bed and removes a wooden plank revealing Merlin's hidden objects. A staff, a magic book, other odd bits and pieces he had acquired. All covered in a thick layer of dust. Perfect she thought to herself as she fumbles around with the leather pouch. She opens it gingerly and peers inside. A chalice. She stares at it intently but is quick to draw the sting and place it inside the hidden compartment, replacing everything back neatly and returns to the table.

I'd just like to clarify that the character of Lena isn't actually my character - you can find her adventures via Kristina08G ! And what's more they are epic so do check them out!! Lena here is merely taking a vacation in my fanfic 😂

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