The Deepest Depths

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"Magda" Elaine breathes, instantly soothed by the sound of her voice. She turns around to see her mentor, clad in her black cloak as usual. Blonde hair sitting neatly around her shoulders and sparking blue eyes that seemed to light up at the sight of Elaine.

"You've been out of my care for too long if you've already taken to cursing" she chuckles lightly. Such humour seemed unwelcome this far down in depths of Avalon but Magda doesn't seem to care. Elaine is overcome with emotions, her eyes already filling up. She had imagined, hoped and dreamed that she'd be able to see Magda one more time, but not for one moment did she ever believe it would come true. Not in a place like this.

"What are you doing here?" Elaine says sounding dazed, unsure whether to venture closer. Shock rooting her to the cloudy ground.
"I could say the same thing" Freya mentions, eying Magda closely.
"Well someone had to be here to meet you" Magda says ignoring Freya's gibe.

And that's when realisation hits Elaine, the cold hard truth of their situation. It's sticks to her like a cold sweat and makes her weak at the knees.
"No" Elaine mutters shaking her head, "not you, please - don't tell me you are here"
Magda nods solemnly as she comes closer pulling Elaine into her warm embrace.
"Because death catches us all up eventually my dear, whether we want it to or not all things end, the good and the bad"

Freya clears her throat and shuffles awkwardly from foot to foot.
"I'm ever so sorry to intrude on your little "moment" but, I'm afraid we have more pressing matters at hand. Do excuse the pun if you will"

Magda look over to Freya, "It seems your new title and position have given you a new found confidence"
Freya shrugs it off, "the point still stands"

Elaine pulls away from Magda and looks to Freya.
"You are talking about the mark aren't you, the one on my hand. Why do you fear it so much? Surely it's some sort of infection?"
"That's no infection my dear" Magda says in a low voice but Elaine's attention is focuses solely on Freya.
"The darkest of magic lurks in the deepest of depths, and that" she says pointing to Elaine's hand, "is a sign"
"It's just a mark, it means nothing!"
"It means a great deal, you cannot stay here, you cannot fall under my protection."
"Surely you can do something?" Magda asks, "this place is not fit for anyone"
"I can't give the mark what it wants, let the darkest form of magic overthrow the souls, the world will be in turmoil" Freya says simply, "I really wish there was something I could do but I can't let you into Avalon".
"Well I can't stay here, and I can't go back to the surface as I made the switch with Morgause. Though it does feel like a part of me lingers there... Is it enough to bring me back?"
"You cannot enter Avalon neither can you return to the surface"
"Well where do you expect us to go?" Magda questions growing frustrated.
"Us?" Elaine says turning to Magda.
"I've only just got you back, do you really think I'm going to leave you in such a sorry state."
"This is my mess Magda, my fault, I'll fix it. I can't ask you to stay in this god forsaken place, you deserve so much more than that. You deserve Avalon."
"Trust me child, Avalon can wait. I have other priorities and I know exactly where we can go"

"Do you really think that's wise?" Freya asks as if reading Magda's mind.
"I'd appreciate it if you kept out of my thoughts" Magda growls, throwing her a level glare. Elaine gives a small smile, she loved seeing the feisty side of Magda.
"I am the guardian of this place, all things are known to me"
"Then you'll know there isn't anywhere else for us to go. Besides, it's partly the their fault such things weren't foreseen"
"They won't let you enter"
"Oh trust me, they will"
"Magda what do you mean?" Elaine asks as Magda takes her by the hand.
"We have a date with the goddess" she smiles, "Come on!"

"Wait!" Freya calls out urgency present in her voice, "There is something happening on the surface"
All three of them look up to the cloudy white light above them and with closed eyes they can see the watery world above them.
A lone Morgause stands on the sandy waters edge, a look of desperation smeared across her face. Her hand outstretched, Palm facing the water, her eyes closed in concentration as the words of the Old Religion flow freely.


Upon the surface Merlin still shrouded by the undergrowth watches from a far as Morgause begins to chant an incantation. Clouds began to form and grow around the lake, gradually turning from white to grey. A wind picked up so fierce that it whipped up foam and waves on the lake. The rushes and reeds that framed the lakes edge rustle violently in the storm and the trees sway. Merlin has trouble keeping his footing, he is about to leave and report back to Gaius when a clap of thunder and lightening makes him stumble backwards.


"Magda" Elaine says her voice full of uncertainty, "I don't like this"
"What it is?" Magda asks concerned grabbing her apprentice with both hands, "tell me"
"I...I don't know what it is, it's not the mark but it is magic, it feels weird"
"You must fight it!" Freya says from the sideline, "you cannot return to the surface"
"I don't know how" Elaine say, holding tightly onto Magda's cloak, "I've never felt magic as strong as this before let alone fought it"
"You must" Magda says, "and you can. We just need more time here, we will speak with the Goddess and then we'll be able to fix this, trust me. Hold on"

Elaine tries, but in the end the bright ghostly glow becomes overpowering. Magda's words are all that she can hear as she holds on to her for dear life, well some form of life. She tries to ground herself but she feels as if she is caught up in a storm trying to uproot her, to drag her towards the surface. Then there is nothing, nothing but a ringing in her ears.


Another low rasp of thunder later, a limp looking Elaine shoots out from the water, landing on the sandy shore near Morgause. The sheer force sends Merlin flying, but Morgause remains immune. It was a rasp so loud that even a moping, raging Morgana stopped in her tracks and turned back in the direction of the lake to see a storm circling. Somehow Morgause had managed to break the impossible - to do what had never been done before. For the first time in her life Morgause felt truly lost and confused, unsure of what to do next. The only thing she had in her mind to do, she couldn't. She picks up a seemingly sleeping Elaine in her arms - remembering the time she did that with Morgana when she was poisoned. Morgause looks down, biting her lip and sighing heavily. Oh a single phrase leaves her lips as herself and Elaine, disappear into the heart of a tornado like wind, that whips leaves and sand up around them.

"I've failed".

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