Figure of speech

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Merlin and Elaine watch Gwen hastily bustle down the corridor - scones in hand.

"Food" Elaine cries so overjoyed by the sight Merlin is started. Elaine looks at him shaking her head "you really are ridiculous at times" she laughs.

"You're the one practically bouncing up and down at the sight of food!" He tuts.
"Mer-Lin I'm ravenous for heavens sake! If I was in that council meeting I would have eaten the table"
Merlin raises a questionable eyebrow.
"You'd eat the table" he says somewhat appalled by her statement.
"It's a figure of speech" she hisses as Gwen comes to a halt in front of them.
"Not one that I've heard" he mutters
"I'm surprised with those ears" she retorts but it is thankfully drowned out by Gwen.

"There we go milady, food just like you asked for - nearly had to wrestle Audrey for it but I'm friends with one of the kitchen maids so she helped me sneak them out" Gwen says proudly, with a wide grin upon her face.

"Oh hello Merlin - I thought you were supposed to be at the council meeting?"
Merlin grimaces "about that..."

The council doors open with a flourish and all three heads whip around to see Arthur standing there in front of them - arms folded.

"What on earth is going on?" He asks astounded.
"Well" Elaine begins but she is too slow.
"A tea party by the looks of it! Is this why you left Elaine for a tea party"
"It's not a tea party!" She argues, "I was starving I had to get out of there Arthur! I felt sick"
"Yeah" Merlin adds, "so hungry she could have eaten the table!"
Elaine steps on his foot, and Arthur looks confused.
"You would have eaten the table?!" He says astounded hand raised to face.
"I know Arthur I was the same" Merlin says moving to side with Arthur.
"It was a figure of speech!!" She reiterates.
"Wait Mer-Lin what are you doing here?!" Arthur says turning on him.
Merlin now looks sheepish and moves back over to Elaine who whilst they were debating was stuffing her face. She smiles awkwardly at them. A smile littered with crumbs no less. Gwen hides a smile, and steps up next to Elaine.

"I'll deal with you later" Arthur growls to Merlin.
"Call yourself a Lady" he tuts.
"If I wasn't such a lady Id kick you in the shin" she smiles whilst pulling a face at him.
"You can't talk to your King like that!" He says aloud.
"Brother" she corrects
"King" the others say in unison.
"Brother" she says slightly louder. "And that way I can avoid being thrown in the stocks" she winks to him.
"I don't think that's quite true" he says beginning to contemplate the idea.
"Don't you dare Arthur Pendragon - she's your sister" Gwen says stepping up.
"Yeah, and you'd know I'd only get out of them" she giggles.
"You are going to be in so much trouble" Merlin remarks quietly but Elaine still hears him. Elaine frowns to Merlin and then looks to Arthur.

"What is with you and me being a lady?!" Elaine questions in between mouthfuls, "I'd like to see you do a better job" she laughs.
"Is that so?" He questions squinting slightly.
"Oh yeah - I'd make a great King" she teases.
"I might just hold you to that - good Kings attend council meetings!"
"Then why aren't you there?" She asks.
"Because it's been suspended"
"Really?" Gwen says surprised.
"They want to review the grain supply first and something else like that"
"A good King would remember" Elaine whispers. Arthur looks at her dead pan, and Elaine lets out a nervous laugh.

The four of them look at each other unsure of where to go next.
"I won't keep you" Elaine smiles.
"Nah ah you are staying with me where I can keep an eye on you!"
"Arthur" she whines.
"You were supposed to be in the council meeting and instead you were having a tea party!"
"Arthur I couldn't stick it in there!" She pleads. "I felt sick anyway"
"You were only there fifteen minutes"
Elaine moves closer to him and looks him in the eye with a straight face.
"Any longer and I would have died". Her eyes widen at the end of the sentence as if to reinstate her point.
"You wouldn't have died!" He scowled.
"I might of done!"she mumbles.

Arthur looks unimpressed and gazes out of the window, wondering if this is what he was like to his father when he was younger.

"I think what she is trying to say is that she's not quite suited to the council chamber just yet..." Gwen says, holding onto Elaine's arm. Elaine nods vigorously.
"She right Arthur, I'm sorry I just feel it's all moving so fast! How about I do my own investigations yeah? I'll dine with you later and it'll all be fine. It's just all this" she points to the door of the chamber, "it's too soon!"

Arthur sighs, hands on his hips - "very well - you've got the afternoon but tomorrow it's a different story!"

Elaine's face lights up "thank you!" She says hugging him quickly. As herself and Gwen slope of down the corridor. Gwen looks back to Arthur and smiles at him - an indication that he made the right choice.

Merlin slowly slides into Arthur's rose tinted view desperately trying to catch up with the others and hide from Arthur.
"Mer-Lin" he calls. Merlin stops in his track, hanging his head.
"Damn" he mumbles

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