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"Are you alright?" A voice asks, which floats down the corridor with ease. Elaine looks up startled and the servant at the end is confused by the panic stricken girl that stands in front of her.
"Gwen?" Elaine questions - she had seen her in her visions of Morgana.
"How did you...?"
"Morgana spoke of you" Elaine claps her hand to her mouth surprised she let such childish honesty slip as the servant approached ever forward.
"I beg your pardon?" Gwen asks.
"I said - it's nice to meet you"
"And you" the servant returns the compliment blissfully unaware of Elaine's slip of the tongue.

Elaine stands there taking her in - so this was the destined Queen of Camelot, a servant no less? Elaine had never been fond of divisions and classes, but it was something so deeply inherited in her lineage and as a society it was impossible to escape. She still couldn't figure out how a servant would know how to rule a kingdom - you can be just and fair - but there is just a way of life that only the royals would know - the responsibilities weighed heavy on their shoulders not that of a servant. She could see why Morgana found it somewhat infuriating, jumping the ranks.

Elaine stands straighter and looks confused - why was she contemplating such thoughts - it's not like she had an idea of Kingdom life. A light cough pulls Elaine's focus back on to the servant who sways slightly, in the awkward silence, in front of her carrying linen.
"I don't think I quite caught your name" she admits, biting her lip.
"Elaine," she corrects herself "my name is Elaine"
"It is a pleasure to meet you Elaine, dare I ask how you know mine?"
"I'm a friend of Arthurs, he speaks of you often" she looks down trying to hide the fact she lied somewhat. Yes she had heard Arthur talk about Gwen but it was Morgana who had filled her head with such notions of Gwen becoming Queen.

"Can I help you with anything?" Gwen asks quizzically a look that Elaine can't help but smile to in return.
"Why yes I guess you could - I was with Gaius and well now I seemed to have lost Arthur and Merlin - you wouldn't happen to know where they are would you?"
"Your best bet is Arthur's chambers" she answers helpfully. Elaine looks up and down the corridor to find a suitable passageway.
"You are lost aren't you?" The servant questions.
"You could say that, yes" Elaine admits sheepishly
"That's fine, I'll show you" Gwen smiles and she turns back and heads the way she came.
"Are you sure you are alright?"
"Yes thank you I'm fine...why do you ask?"
"Well it's just, you know...look a bit..."
Elaine stops walking and looks at Gwen, her face dead pan.
"This is my best dress"
Gwen's eyes widen slightly, she stands there soaked in awkward silence.
"I'd hate to see you in your worst" she mumbles.
Suddenly Elaine's face breaks into a massive grin.
"Ah I'm only joking" Elaine laughs, "I've just had a bit of a rough time that's all"
"Everything ok?"
"Yes perfectly well -"
"And Arthur knows you are here?" Gwen questions letting suspicion seep in - is is after all leading a stranger to the Kings chambers.
"Oh trust me - we've been aquatinted - you can even ask Gaius"
"Very well then," Gwen smiles, "this way"

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