Band of Brothers

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Later that evening, Elaine sits across from Arthur at a lengthy wooden table in one of the dining chambers. For the time being it is just themselves deep in conversation, but the table has several other places laid and Elaine suspects their peace is about to be shattered.

"Now Elaine I hope you don't mind but I've invited a few guests to join us tonight" Arthur says before taking a swig of his wine.
Elaine sinks down a little deeper into her tall wooden chair.
"Arthur" she pleads, "I really thought we weren't going to do this, we spoke about it..."
Elaine is cut off by Arthurs blue eyes staring at her, it appeared he really was going through with it. Elaine opens her mouth to argue once more but decides against it. "Great" she thinks to herself, "more people".
"You were going to say?" Arthur asks, somewhat smugly.
"No not at all" she lies through gritted teeth, "the more the merrier" and it isn't long until the large wooden doors at the end of the room creak open. Arthur raises his eyebrows and gives Elaine an odd look that seemed to say "you haven't seen anything yet".

The sound of footsteps and the flourish of capes make Elaine sit up straight. She had hoped that the party would arrive later in the evening but it didn't seem to be the case. The flames of the candles flicker slightly as the large group of people who enter in rows of two split and join either side of the table. Elaine observes the multiple shadows as the grow and dance across the walls. Arthur rises to greet them, and slowly but surely Elaine does to. Her silver silk dress lined with gold falls neatly around her feet. In their respective seats the Knights of Camelot stand in front of their chairs. None of them had seemed to of noted Elaine's presence at the end of the table. Merlin, Gauis and Gwen are the last to slip through the doors, which sweep close with a gentle thud.

"Greetings -" Arthur says whilst motioning them to sit down. Gwen sets to work filling the golden goblets full of wine, whilst Merlin helps Gaius to his seat.
"It is a pleasure to have you all here with me today. I am sure some of you are wondering why I have called you all here to dine with me today - fear not it is not because I'm dying to hear more of Gwaine's jokes!"
The Knights share a light laughter though Gwaine frowns lightly but takes it in good spirit.
"It would be my pleasure to introduce you to, who I guess we could call my long lost sister - Elaine" he says whilst raising his glass. The Knights in unison raise theirs and rise from their seats.
"Elaine" they chant, finally looking towards the other end of the table to see Elaine.

"Elaine Id like to introduce you to my most trusted and loyal Knights of Camelot, my band of brothers so to speak. To whom I owe a lot - and I know you wanted your presence to be low key but it'd be rude of me not to introduce you to them." Arthur begins to recite their names with an outstretched hand.
"To your left Elaine you will find, Sir Gwaine, Sir Percival and Sir Lancelot. To your right stand Sir Leon and Sir Elyan, and of course you know Gaius."

"It is an honour to meet you all" Elaine says, observing each on closely. Gauis is the closest to her and puts a hand on her shoulder and she raises her own to meet his. She stands at the end of the candle lit table, looking every inch the Lady Camelot had missed over the years, despite the minor cuts and scrapes that revealed a whole other life, she knew none of them would dare to question. Her hair had been brushed to within an inch of its life, it no longer hides pieces of leaves and sticks, or resembles a flattened birds nest for that matter. She glances over at Gwen briefly and can tell that she is overly proud of the transformation.

The evening seemed to drone on in some respects. Elaine found the Knights to be very mannerly, on their best behaviour - which made it clear to Elaine that they were under strict instructions not to press any matter further than the fact she just suddenly arrived out of the blue. The other thing that Elaine had found out that night was that they were rather easy on the eye, and that seemed to help night melt away just like the candles.

It was late in the evening when Elaine bid the Knights, Gaius and Arthur goodnight. Gwen escorted her to her room where she aided her as she changed into her night wear. It was long until she flopped down on to the bed and fell into a restless sleep. Her thoughts consumed with how to tackle Merlin about the vision that seeped from the walls, of how to get by in a world that seemed alien to her. So consumed that she barely heard Gwen utter the words "good night".

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