Disappearing Inque

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It was a late night at Gotham's Cryogenics as employee Aaron Herbst walked into cryostasis room 317. This wasn't his first time visiting the room. No, he's returned multiple times. Not for his job.. but for her. He approached the giant ice block that contained his crush, his lover, Inque.

"He said no raise, just like that. Told me that what I do here isn't important enough," Aaron complained, feeling unappreciated. "Not important enough, not important enough. I'd like to see him talk to you that way. You never had to swallow any disrespect, did ya? No, not you. If you wanted something, you'd just take it," he grumbled.

Inque was strong; a quality he wished was instilled in him. He pressed his head against the ice block, "Now all you got is me, and you're just about all I got. That's why I'm staying here, even if they won't pay me what I'm worth. You..you listen to me you're the only one who ever has." He yearned for her love, her comfort. She made him feel like he wasn't alone or worthless. No one else has been there like Inque has. She's his life.

His private moment was interrupted with his phone ringing. On the other line was the receptionist informing him his boss wanted to speak. "I wonder if he's changed his mind, maybe this will bring me luck," he smiled, kissing the ice block. He was unaware of the security camera watching the interaction.

The interaction that would end up costing him his job. After playing back the tape, Mr. Chandler proceeded to fire him because of his "sick behaviour" and "unstable nature."" Well, he'd show them. No one would keep his Inque away from him.

After unpacking his desk, he promptly snuck his way up to the building's roof. Using a crowbar, he popped open the electricity panel and pulled out pliers. "Not important enough huh..we'll see about that," Aaron muttered as he sniped the wire that controlled the power to his beloved Inque's room.

The reaction was instantaneous, and the ice block containing Inque started to melt rapidly. It wasn't long until Inque burst out of her ice prison. "Party time," Inque commented as she slithered her way out of cell 317.


After six months of Terry being Batman, the opportunity of touring the batcave finally arrived. All of Bruce's trinkets from his previous vigilante life were stored in the batcave. Terry was beyond amazed at all the souvenirs and frequently asked questions. "This is totally shway," Terry said, a big smile never leaving his face. "Tell me about it, I was blown away when I first came down here too,"

Eliana bumped their hips. "I'm glad to know my collection is impressive. I take time to remember the past; the good and the bad," Bruce gestured, arms opened wide to all the artifacts. The lights flickered on to reveal the experimental Bat Armor exosuit.

While the sight made Terry intrigued, it made Eliana and Bruce's moods turn somber. "What's this little toy do?" Terry asked, flicking the suit. Bad move, as the suit moved and got defensive. Terry stumbled back in surprise and was caught by Eliana. "Careful it's an exosuit, it amplifies effort and increases endurance," Bruce explained. 

"And?" Terry was curious about the story that went along with the armor. "When I tested it, it put too much strain on my heart," Bruce said curtly, turning away. "You let a little thing like a heart problem stop you from being Batman. I don't believe it," Terry said, unconvinced. "Well, old age played a factor. He couldn't stay Batman forever," Eliana reasoned.

Bruce had yet to tell Terry the reason behind giving up the mantle despite Terry's pestering. It wasn't like Eliana could, well would, tell him either. It simply wasn't her story to tell. "Would I lie to you?" Bruce questioned. That was a trick question even though Terry knew. "Well, no, but you hold things back," Terry answered. 'Well ain't that the truth,' Eliana thought.

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