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A tiny group of Jokerz were leaving Gotham City on their way to induct Lee, a new gang member. Suddenly, they get buzzed by a technologically advanced flying aircraft that races overhead. The Jokerz kept going despite being startled. Meanwhile, the vehicle's pilots giggled at their antics.

"Haha, the first thing they're gonna do when they get back to Gotham is tell all their friends that the martians are coming," one pilot told his friend. His friend held up 2 fingers, "Second thing: they got to get their pants cleaned," he joked.

They continued laughing until they were contacted by the vehicle's inventor: Dr. Price. "Having fun with the new toy," she teased. "You built us a winner doc, wish I had one of these in the last war," a pilot commented. "I'm sure there'll be another one soon enough, now how about some numbers."

They reported the numbers on the various gauges, but when they read the fuel temp, which was 280 Dr. Price stopped them. "280?" She asked for confirmation. The pilots were put off, "Yeah 280, 2-8-0... that a problem?"

Dr. Price didn't answer right away, "Get out, get out right now!" She ordered. The pilots were confused, "You're saying you want us to just leave it?"Yes, my team will be along for it in 5 minutes," she explained. 

"But -" "Land right now and get as far away from it as you can!"

Meanwhile, the group of Jokerz had taken Lee to an abandoned mineshaft for his initiation. They dressed him in clown makeup and a false nose. Since he was a newcomer to Jokerz, Lee was a little worried about what they'll do with him.

"I'm telling you, Scab, it was a UFO,"
Coe said. "Who cares, we have more important things to do," Scab smiled at Lee. "You know why the Jokerz come out here to our initiations?" Scab asked Lee. Lee shook his head. "So no one can hear you scream," Scab sadistically laughed. 

They shone a flashlight into the mineshaft. At the bottom was a skeleton that was wearing a boutonnière on a purple cloth. But before they could start the initiation, a loud noise was heard. They looked above their heads to see a flying aircraft speeding by. They ran to the cliff's edge and watched how the vehicle landed.

"Oh, it's the UFO," Coe announced. Scab frowned, "Probably Fat-T's crew spying on us, all the other gangs want to know how we do our initiations," he informed. Scab smirked as an idea came to his head. 

As the pilots emerge, Jokerz easily take them out and jump into the vehicle. "Scab..this is a UFO, isn't it?" Coe asked, amazed at the vehicle's insides. Scab flicked Coe's forehead, "The writing's in english, you idiot!"You can read?" Coe asked stupidly. He backed off when Scab sent him a glare. "I-if this isn't a UFO..then what is it?" Coe questioned. Scab fiddled with the joysticks, "I don't know."

He had no clue what the heck this machine was, but it was pretty cool to him. Coe played around pressing random buttons when one button fired off an energy blast. The Jokerz stared in amazement, and they knew they couldn't give up something as powerful as this. "I know what this thing is?" Scab chuckled. "What?" Coe asked, tilting his head. 

"Ours." They took off, unaware of the dangers of doing so.

They flew recklessly in the air, doing loops and spins. "Whoo! You guys are enjoying the ride!" Scab shouted excitedly. Coe and Lee swayed in their positions, their complexions pale. "Hey, could ya tone it down a bit," Coe gagged. He couldn't hold it in anymore and ran to the back of the vehicle to empty his guts.

Scab just laughed but didn't stop his flying ways.

"I'm addressing whoever stole this experimental vehicle," Dr. Price's voice interrupted. Scab leaned into the microphone, "That'd be me," he replied smoothly. "Who are you?" She asked with a touch of anger . "Who are you? You sound hot, are you hot," Scab inquired flirtatiously. Dr. Price was not in the mood for games, "Listen to me, that vehicle's government property, you have to return it now!"

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