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A car transport made its way to Foxteca industries, and after checking in, it made its way into the industries receiving area. The main security guard watched as the car parked, "This is Miller. Sector one clear," he told his boss through his com.

"How are those new men we sent you?" His boss asked.

"Feels like we're steppin' on each other. No one is causing trouble here tonight. Miller out," he replied before walking off.

Unbeknownst to him, a black ink-like figure disguised as his shadow.

After the guard left, the figure oozed its way around the place without getting seen by the patrolling guards. The ink slipped under a door to enter the highly electrical control room. The ink then proceeded to ooze itself into a control panel in order to make everything malfunction and explode.

Buildings and transports caught in flames as firefighting hovercrafts made their way into Foxteca in order to distinguish everything. The guards were quick to move a flammable tanker out of Foxteca before it caused even more damage.

The ink escaped......her mission completed


The following morning, Terry and Eliana found themselves waiting in the lobby of WaynePowers. Bruce had gone to "talk" to Powers and see if he had any connection to the Foxteca disaster the previous night. Eliana turned her gaze to the boy sitting beside her. It was clear Terry was very agitated.

She could understand, I mean, he was sitting in the building that his late dad worked at, and especially knowing what Powers did to him didn't make matters easier.

"You know if we see Powers, you can't react, Terry. I know you want to, but please don't," Eliana begged.

Terry sighed without looking at her mumbling, "I know." There was a brief silence until he spoke up again, "Why is Bruce so concerned with Foxteca? It seems like he cares a lot about the company?"

This time, it was Eliana's turn to sigh, "Foxteca was established by Lucius Jr, Lucius Fox's son. Lucius Fox was a great friend to Bruce and a close ally at Wayne Industries. Lucius Jr. created Foxteca after Powers fired him at WaynePowers, and Bruce never forgave Powers for that. I guess you could say Bruce cares a lot about the Fox's. But don't forget, if Powers is behind Foxteca's disaster, what other industries will be next," she explained.

"And in order for Powers to stay successful, he'll have to destroy the competition," Terry said grimly.

"Let's just hope Bruce comes back with something useful," Eliana mumbled.

"Ahh, come in, Bruce! What a lovely surprise! How have you been holding up," Derek Powers greeted Bruce as he stepped off the elevator.

Bruce responded in a montone voice, "With a cane."

Powers gave a very fake chuckle, "Very clever! I must say, it is so nice to see you taking interest after all these years. We're lucky to have you as a resource. You should come by more often. I'll set you up with the finest office in the building....just not this one," he said sharply.

Bruce didn't reply. He was too busy looking around the room (investigating/analyzing) when he came upon a weird looking statue. He was about to touch it when Powers interrupted, "I prefer you not touch that."

"In case you're worried, I didn't come here to set up shop again," Bruce said, walking towards the man.

"Why, Bruce! You misread me, don't worry," Powers said, still wearing his fake smile.

"I just came to say this, keep your hands off Foxteca!" Bruce said sharply.

"Pardon me?" Powers feigned innocence.

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