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It was a snowy night in Gotham as Batman and Nightwing made their way to the Gotham docks. They'd received word on the Gotham waters unusually increasing in temperature in the last week.

With a little digging, they found out that radioactive waste had been being dumped into the water. So the duo found themselves at the docks to investigate. Batman stuck a thermometer in the water, and it immediately started making clicking noise.

"You hear that, you can poach an egg in this water," Terry commented. "That must be where they're loading the radioactive waste before dumping it out at sea," Bruce said over the coms. Suddenly, a truck came driving down, making the duo jump and take cover on some beams. A bunch of workers got out and began to unload canisters from the truck.

A barge sailed towards them, and the workers began loading the canisters in order for them to be dumped. Both Batman and Nightwing watched before pushing their stealth buttons. "Make it snappy, we got 20 minutes before the next harbor patrol," the captain said, looking at his watch.

Then, out of nowhere, a bola wrapped around the captain, making him fall. Then to the workers on the barge were picked up and thrown against two others, making all the canisters fall over. The guard screamed, they couldn't see the attackers, it was almost like fighting a ghost.

Out of nowhere, a pair of batarangs flew out and pin the rest of the guards, rendering them unconscious.

The truck started to drive away, but an explosive thrown in front of it made the truck swerve and crash. The duo switched back to visibility and approached the man who was leading this whole project. Batman didn't waste time and lifted the man up by his collar and readying a fist. "Who hired you?" Batman interrogated. The man smiled cocky, "Think I'd tell you?"

Wrong answer, Batman was about to punch the man until Nightwing spotted something. Nightwing signaled Batman to wait and grab the cell phone sticking out of the man's shirt pocket. Wordlessly, Batman punched the man unconscious and looked at Nightwing, who was busy on the man's phone.

Over at Wayne-Powers, Derek Powers was in the middle of a meeting with some clients. "Mister powers, it's been a long night. My clients would like to go back to their hotel and rest a little and think about your offer," one of the businessmen said. "Gentlemen, the buyout offer is on the table. Leave this room, and I withdraw it," Powers smiled.

While the businessmen talked amongst each other, Powers' cell phone rang. "Powers," Derek answered as he turned his chair around. "Amazing the numbers people put on their speed dial. Just wanted you to know tonight's boat ride has been canceled, though your guns are still going up the river. Wish you could join them," Nightwing's voice rang through the other side of the line.

Powers became angry, and his phone smashed from his grip. "Sir, your eyes," his assistant said, handing him a mirror. Powers gasped as he saw the skin under his eyes crack; his neon skin showing through.

Powers quickly wore the black glasses his assistant handed to him and turned around. "My friends, perhaps you're right. It is an ungodly hour. We'll continue this negotiation tomorrow when we're refreshed," Powers said before rushing from the room.


"It's useless. It barely lasts a day anymore. What do I pay you people for?" Powers complained to his scientists. "It's not the skin, sir. The radiation you're emitting is getting stronger," a scientist tried to explain. "Is that supposed to pacify me?" Powers growled at the man. "Mr. Powers? I have a suggestion," a female said approaching the man.

"Who are you?" Powers inquired. "She's new here, Mr. Powers. She really shouldn't be--" a scientist tried to answer but was cut off by the woman.

"I'm Dr. Lake. Stephanie Lake," the brunette introduced. "What's this suggestion of yours?" Powers asked, intrigued. "I could use your baseline DNA to build you a new body, then transfer your neural patterns into it," Stephanie explained. "Dr. Lake, it's not your place to--" the scientist was once again interrupted.

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