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Eliana picked at her lunch, not particularly in the mood for eating. Dana and Max were chatting about a news broadcast, which warned of "man eating rats," which made her roll her eyes. Rats the size of dogs, how outlandish!

She had more important things to think about. Like her failed date with Terry the night before.

"You look mopey. Your date with Terry goes wrong?" Dana asked. Eliana let a dry laugh, "Date? What date? He didn't even show."

Dana and Max exchanged looks. The girls knew their friend had been trying to have a successful date with Terry for a long time. "Mr Wayne again?" Max questioned sympathetically.

Eliana sighed and nodded her head. She knew why Terry was preoccupied last night and didn't blame him at all. But frustration was getting the best of her. "Yep, but it's not Terry's fault. He's had to pick up the slack since I'm in recovery," Eliana said, raising her left wrist, which was currently in a cast.

"I still can't believe you were unlucky to have landed on it wrong," Dana said softly. Eliana just smiled with a shrug.

Technically, she did land on it wrong... After being tossed into the side of a building, Dana didn't need to know that. Max just gave her a knowing look.

"Tell me about it. It absolutely sucks. The only thing making this whole process bearable is Terry." The girls cooed, making Eliana roll her eyes.

"Eliana!" Speaking of her absent boyfriend, Terry came running down the school's steps all the way to where she was eating with Dana and Max. "There you are, I've been looking all over for you," he panted.

Eliana winced inwardly. She hadn't been trying to avoid her boyfriend, but it seemed like it came across that way.

Terry sat beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Babe, I'm sorry about last night, you know Mr Wayne, he doesn't take no for an answer."

Wasn't that an understatement.

"You have every reason to be mad," Terry mumbled sadly, looking away. He never liked disappointing his girlfriend.

Eliana cupped her boyfriend's cheek and turned his head back to her. "Not at you. I'm not. Terry, it's okay. I know you're trying, and I love you for it."

She gave him a small smile before getting up and walking away. She went over to her motorcycle only to pause. On the seat was a white rose with a note attached to it.

~I'll be there for you

Eliana smiled and smelled the flower. Her boyfriend could be so romantic at times.

What she didn't know was that the note came from a figure watching her from the shadows. Down under the sewers.


Terry was in his room doing homework when the phone rang. "Got it," both he and Matt exclaimed simultaneously. His little brother beat him and answered, "Hello?" He gave Terry a silly smile, "It's Eliana," he sang.

Terry picked up his brother by the collar of his shirt and set him outside his room. "Out twip!" He said, shutting the door in his brother's face. "Hi, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon," he told Eliana softly, sitting on his bed.

On the other side, his girlfriend was twirling the white rose in her hand. "Well, flowers can change a girl's mind." Terry frowned, confused. Flowers? He didn't send her any flowers? He was about to inquire further, but Eliana continued. "We should talk. Meet me at Rhinos?"

Terry grinned ear to ear, "Wild Jokers couldn't keep me away." To spice it up a bit, Eliana decided to throw in, "Make sure they don't. I'll be wearing that dress you like," she teased seductively. Now, that made Terry's heart thump with excitement. When he hung up, he spotted his brother in the doorway.

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