Earth Mover

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It was a quiet night out, and Eliana and Terry were finally getting some studying done with their friends Dana and Jackie. Jackie had been very kind to invite the group over to help study for an upcoming math test. Dana was currently testing Terry's skills in multiplication after witnessing him provide an answer with barely even thinking. Terry was casually sitting on the floor with Eliana in his lap. 

"You're cheating," Dana accused Terry. "Am not," Terry defended. Eliana watched their banter in amusement. It was refreshing to actually sit back and have fun once in a while. "You have to be cheating. There's no way you could know something like that without a calculator," Dana insisted. "People used to," Terry reasoned. 

"You're saying you memorized the multiplication tables, what for?" Dana asked, scrunching her nose. Eliana wanted to say she knew hers, though not as good as Terry, and that it wasn't too uncommon for people to learn this. Terry shrugged, "My dad was a scientist. I guess he wanted me to be ready for anything," he said nonchalantly.

Eliana loved it when Terry opened up. It gave her the chance to learn more about the boy she's dating.

"17x34," Eliana challenged. "578," Terry shot back instantly. The two shared a smirk. "Jackie!" Dana called her friend. But Jackie didn't appear to have heard her as she was too busy looking out the window.

Eliana was slightly concerned for her friend, Jackie had been very distant as of lately, which wasn't like her. She'd been quiet the whole study session. All she seemed to take interest in was outside. 

"Jackie!" Eliana called out a bit loudly. The girl in question jumped and turned to go sit on her bed. "Oh, sorry, what were you saying?" she apologised. "You got the calculator. Punch it in," Dana answered. "I-I... wasn't listening," Jackie said softly, hugging her stuffed animal.

Eliana and Terry got up and went over to their friend. "We noticed, are you okay?" Eliana asked, lowering herself on the bed. "Is something wrong?" Terry asked, concerned. "I think... I think someone's been following me," Jackie confessed.

Eliana straightened out and was taken aback. Why would someone spy on Jackie? As far as she knew, Jackie wasn't a part of any business corporation, nor was she popular at school like Chelsea.

"Following you, who?" Dana questioned. Jackie shook her head, "I don't know, but I get this feeling sometimes that I'm being watched. Yesterday, it happened in the backyard. Today, it was on the soccer field, but when I looked one's there." Eliana put a hand on the girl's shoulder for comfort. It was hard seeing one of her friends in distress.

Just then, Jackie's guardian opened the door to her room. "Jackie, sorry to interrupt the homework, but I'm trying to work on my expansion plans, and I can't concentrate," Bill said. "We're being as quiet as we can," Jackie responded. "That's why I can't concentrate, I get nervous when kids are too quiet," Bill said warmly.

The teenagers' frowns turned into smiles. "Well, maybe we can bang some pots and pans together, anything to help you concentrate," Jackie teased. "I knew I could count on you," Bill smiled as he left the room. "Anytime, Bill," Jackie said cordially. "Bill?" Dana inquired. "That's his name," Jackie said curtly. "You know what I mean," Dana proded. "It's a long story... Terry?"

Eliana was so focused on Jackie that she didn't notice her partner gazing intently out the window. "Babe?" Eliana called out. "Somebody's out there," Terry warned. The three girls leaped up from the bed, "Where?" They all asked simultaneously. But instead of answering, Terry opened the window and jumped out of it. "Terry!" Dana cried out.

From the window, they watched him slide down the wall and start running. 'I hate it when he does that,' Eliana thought bitterly. "Stay here!" She instructed her friends as she ran out of the room. She fled outside to her motorcycle and sped away to catch up with Terry.

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