Prologue 1/2: Past and Future

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September 23rd, 2032
Gotham city
4:00 am

The drive to Wayne Manor was quiet. Bruce gazed at the 10 year old girl, who was busy looking out the window, and had not said a word to him since they met. His gaze held remorse and sympathy, for he understood what she was feeling at the moment. She had lost her entire family, right in front of her eyes, just like him.

"She looks just like Dick." Bruce thought as he studied the girl sitting across from him. From her black wavy hair to her crystal blue eyes. He hadn't talked to his ward in decades. Nonetheless, he still kept enough tabs on him to know that he had settled down and started a family of his own.

Guilt was also an emotion Bruce was feeling, guilty that he hadn't tried hard enough to make amends with his ward, and now......he never would.

The girl was aware of the man's intense gaze on her but didn't care. Even though she was gazing out the window, she wasn't focusing on what they were driving by. Numb. Numb was a good word to describe how she was feeling. Her body was on autopilot, but her mind wasn't.

The only thing her mind was good for at the moment was replaying the past tragic event over......and.........over. She couldn't believe how much a couple of hours could change one's life.

Hours ago

~"Last chance Killer Croc, give up or get your butt kicked!" The 10 year old shouted. "Never Nightwing!" Her father shouted back dramatically. Then he grabbed some pillows off the couch and threw them at her. She dodge all of them expertly, using her acrobatic skills. She gazed back to where he was but found that her villain was no longer in front of her. Suddenly, a pair of arms grabbed Eliana and scooped her up. "I have you now, Nightwing!" Her father exclaimed and sent them tumbling onto the couch. There was a pregnant pause until both father and daughter began laughing.

A new voice called out that made them quiet down, "What's going on in here?" The two turn to look at Eliana's mother, giving sheepish smiles. "Mom, you should've seen me! I was Nightwing, and dad was Killer Croc! And then dad threw pillows at me, and I dodged them until dad captured me," her daughter replied enthusiastically.

"Well, it's Nightwing's bedtime," Angelica Grayson told her daughter, who began jumping all over the place.

"But mom, I'm a superhero, and hero's don't sleep, they patrol," she responded while mimicking fighting actions. "A hero is no good when they haven't rested well," announced Dick Grayson as he got up and wrapped an arm around his wife's waist, "Your father's right Eliana, even heroes need sleep." An irritated groan came from their daughter, "But how am I supposed to be a hero if I don't train to stay up late?" Just before her parents could answer, Eliana gave a small yawn. "See, you just proved our point. Alright, missy, let's get you to bed," her father said and picked up the sleepy child.

"Hey dad, when I'm older, I wanna be Nightwing just like you were back in the day," Eliana told her father softly as he pulled her covers up. "Well, with some proper training, you'll one day be ready, and I know you'll make me proud. Sweet dreams, babybird," he replied, kissing her forehead.

"But that day won't come until a while. Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you so much." Her mother said, also giving Eliana a kiss. "Love you mom, love you dad," Eliana mumbled before they turned off her light and left her bedroom.

It was in the middle of the night when Eliana woke up from hearing shuffling and muffled voices coming from downstairs. Wordlessly, she climbed out of bed and made her way out to the hallway. She glanced at her parents' bedroom, only to see the door opened with nobody in bed. The noise of glass shattering made Eliana jump.

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