Once Burned

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Melanie Walker had a lot of regrets. One of them being that she let Terry walk out of her life. Terry Mcginnis-boy, did the name bring back many memories. From the moment she and her family got arrested, no day had passed that she didn't think of the boy who captured her heart.

Melanie sighed as she entered her family's current residency. It wasn't much given how they'd all just been released from prison. She was still surprised her mother and father hadn't already pulled her and Jack "back to work" in the family business.

Speaking of Jack, her brother wasn't fairing all too well either. Much like her, he was stuck thinking about his past relationship.

Melanie was brought out of her brooding when she stumbled upon an unsettling sight. The entire common room of her home was in shatters. Furniture was turned over, curtains were ripped, decor smashed.

"Mom? Dad," Melanie called out. Her heartbeat quickened as she heard no answer. "Jack! Jack, come on, this isn't funny!" Still no answer.

Melanie ran into rooms searching for any signs of her family but found none. Her fingers combed through her blonde curls as her breaths became shorter and faster.

Suddenly, a box came crashing through a window. Melanie immediately took cover. She expected an explosion from the package. After some moments, Melanie slouched in relief. She approached the box wearily and slowly opened it. Inside was a tablet.

She was about to touch the device when it turned on automatically. A Jokerz face appeared.

"Hey, doll face. I bet you're wondering what the hell is happening, so let me tell you nice and slow." J-Man began menacingly. Melanie swallowed and listened intently. "I've heard you're quite the thief, which is why I want you to rob the Derby."

The Derby was a high stakes poker game played regularly by high-class criminals.

Melanie's eyes widened, and the Derby was too big of a heist to pull off. Even her father has steered clear from messing with the Derby. For her to pull it off alone would be suicide. "I have your family, maybe you'd like to say hello to one of them."

The camera flipped to show a beaten and bruised Jack, who was gagged. Melanie teared up, "Oh Jack," she gasped. "$1 million, you have 3 days to pay up or your family dies." J-Man's voice continued.

Jack struggled against his bonds, his eyes filled with fear. He managed to loosen his gag enough to yell quickly. "Melanie, don't listen to them it's a -" but whatever he was about to say was cut off by a hard punch to the gut.

The camera faced J-Man once again, "If I were you, I'd hurry up. Your brother hasn't been very cooperative, and I'm starting to run out of restraint."

The screen shut off, leaving Melanie in distress.

There was only one thing to do. She had to rob the Derby for her family's sake.


"Bennie, are you in? Come on, I can't wait all night." Lula Knight, a famous smuggling boss, said. She was dressed in a red jumpsuit and had split black and white hair.

"I understand your impatience, Lula, but it's a difficult position I'm in," Bennie Vayer looked over his hand of cards, "To bet, or not to bet." The rest of the group grumbled, wanting the player to make a move.

A very big, well-dressed, dark skinned man named Tyrus Block cut in, "Make up your mind, we've all got places and people to rob." Bennie began to sweat profusely, "I....I.. I think I heard something. Did anyone else," he tried to excuse.

"That ain't gonna save you, Bennie boy."

Bennie turned to his henchmen, "Justin, Rafel. Go check. And be thorough," he instructed. Bennie hoped to buy a little more time before he was forced into making a decision that could potentially make him lose millions.

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