Final Cut

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A private jet was sitting on a runway after being forced to land in order to make some repairs. The lavish interiored aircraft was carrying none other than the Master Assassin, head of the Society of Assassins. The Master was not pleased at the interruption.

“I’m afraid there was no other choice. The solar cells had to be replaced, and it simply can’t be done in the air. But don’t worry. It’s all modular now these days, and we’ll be off the ground in ten minutes,” the pilot assured.

The Master Assassin narrowed his one eye. The other was a green bionic implant. “Any time is too long,” he informed grimly. His fears stemmed from the reason he was in flight to begin with. He was fleeing, or really, evading. Recently, many of his assassins were being hunted down and murdered. He knew who the killer was, and he knew he would ultimately be on their list.

The seatbelt sign flickered on. “See? All done,” the pilot smiled before venturing back to the cockpit. The Master Assassin sighed in relief, and his nerves settled as the plane lifted back into the air. He felt a tinge of annoyance as his phone rang. “What?” He asked sharply. “I’m in Gotham.”

“Have you located the targets?” “Not yet. It’s not easy when you’re always looking over your shoulder.” “You’re letting your fear make you too cautious,” the Master Assassin stated. He was too engrossed in the call that he did not hear the slight commotion making behind him.

“Me? You’re the one who spent the last three months in the air afraid to land anywhere because she might find you.”

Some would call him paranoid for the drastic actions, but the Master Assassin had every reason to be. The threat to his life was a serious one and not something to joke about. “She already got Carima.” Carima was one of his best assassins. “No! When?” “In Lisbon three days ago. We’re the only two left.”

The Master Assassin went to continue on, but a loud bang made him freeze. “Hold on.” He unfastened his seatbelt, stood from his seat, and turned around.

“Devon? Devon, what is it? What’s going on?”

“It’s her. Curaré.”

The Egyptian assassin stood over the body of a fallen bodyguard, brandishing her sword. The Master Assassin pulled out a gun from his suit and aimed at Curaré. “Not my weapon of choice, but I won't hesitate to use it. He fired multiple shots, but Curaré used her sword and deflected them easily. She crashed the hilt of her sword onto the Master Assassins wrist, forcing him to drop his weapon.

Curaré swung her sword wildly, but the Master Assassin dodged the strikes, flipping backward. He pulled out some shurikens. “You’ll find I’m not as easy as your other targets,” he sneered, throwing the weapons at the woman. Curaré gracefully flipped around the plane, skillfully dodging them.

At one point, the pilot came out from the cockpit to see what all the commotion was about, only to receive a smack in the face from a sword’s hilt.

“Society of Assassins trained us both well, Curaré. No one can match your skill with that sword.” With one last shuriken, the Master Assassin managed to tear a piece of Curare’s white top. “But I’ll never let you get close enough to use it.”

In the end, the Master Assassin's arrogance would be his undoing. He had underestimated Curaré’s need for vengeance. Curaré revealed a tiny capsule out from her waist and tossed it at her target. The capsule exploded against the Master Assassins chest, and a green acid like substance spilled out.

The Master Assassin's eyes widened in fear as he breathed in the toxic fumes created by the substance. He coughed and gasped uncontrollably before dropping to the ground. When the fumes dispersed Curaré walked over to the body and crouched down. The Master’s Assassin's expression was frozen, and his eye was widened and fully white. Curaré waved her hand in his face, but there was no reaction.

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