Terry's Friend Dates A Robot

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"As Batman, you must handle the widely varied tactics of your criminal adversaries."

Terry dodged multiple explosions the Riddler threw at him.

"Someone will try to distract you with bizarre gimmicks."

The Riddler laughed as he chucked more question mark grenades. "Learn to use their weapons against them."

Riddler aimed his question mark staff and shot out a cannonball. Terry punched the ball back towards the villain, defeating him.

Next was Two-Face, who fired at Terry with his dual wielding guns. "These quirks have a pattern. Recognizing them is the key to winning." Terry took cover behind a wooden hurdle and waited for the right moment to strike. When the moment arose, Terry fired out two batarangs, destroying Two-Faces guns.

Terry took a minute to breathe, wondering who his final opponent would be. He got his answer when a large figure grabbed him from behind. It was Killer Croc. Terry groaned in pain as the villain squeezed him. Using his momentum, Terry flipped Killer Croc over his shoulders and charged him. With a flying kick to the stomach followed by multiple rapid punches, Terry ended the fight by decaptaing Killer Croc with a strong kick.

The city atmosphere surrounding Terry vanished and was replaced by the Batcaves walls. Terry glanced at the decapitated Killer Croc robot, "Not too shabby, huh?" "You're improving," Eliana complimented.

"Though your execution could use more finesse," Bruce said, holding up the robot head. Terry ripped off his mask and fixed his hair, "Hey, it gets the job done." "Speaking of jobs, yours is to get a replacement for this one after school," Bruce told him, throwing the head.

Eliana grabbed Terry's hand, pulling him towards the caves steps. "Come on, handsome, we gotta get ready for school."


At Hamilton Hill, Nelson was outside with his buddies bragging about some chick who was into him. "So I tell this chick, "Sure, I'll call...when I'm desperate." His friends all laughed with him. Howard Groote, an unpopular pudgy teen with glasses, approached the group. Trying to intimidate the popular kids, Howard called Nelson on the back. "Nelson!" He sang.

Nelson closed his eyes in annoyance before turning around and punching Howard in the arm; hard. "Howard!" Howard winced and rubbed his arm, "Hope you didn't break your hand," he joked. Nelson sighed, "What do you want?" "Big party at my place this weekend. Parents are out of town, and hey, it's gonna be wild! See you guys there, right?"

Nelson scoffed, "Doubtful," he said, as he and friends walked away. But Howard would not be deterred, "Great. Cool. Friday night!" He looked around and smiled when he saw Blade and Chelsea.

"So I tell this guy, "Sure, we can date...when I'm desperate," Blade told her friend. The girls laughed but were interrupted by Howard. "Yo, Blade, Chelsea. I guess I'll be seeing you ladies at my schway party this Friday," he announced joyfully.

The girls did not show any enthusiasm. "A party? Who else is going?" Blade asked skeptically. Howard faltered, "Well, I just spoke to Nelson, and, uh, some other guys, and, you know, a lot of other kids. Their names escape me at the moment."

Blade and Chelsea exchanged amused looks before they laughed and walked away. "Super! See you there," Howard waved. Terry and Eliana, who had been sitting on a bench nearby, watched the interaction with cringe. "Social meltdown," Eliana commented. "It's too painful to watch," Terry added.

They wiped off their expressions and smiled when Howard came over. "Hey, guys. I think we're looking at a packed house on Friday," Howard told them excitedly. Eliana couldn't help but feel bad, Howard was a sweet boy, just a bit naive.

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