The Winning Edge

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'Why couldn't the Jokerz just give up? It's like they only exist to make life difficult,' Eliana thought miserably. The duo were perched on top of a building above where an illegal weapons deal involving Jokerz was about to go down. Eliana moved her gaze towards her partner, who was unaware of her staring.

A month had passed since the Royal Flush gang was arrested. Although it took some time for the duo to recover from their heartbreaks, the whole event managed to bring them even closer together. The latter made Eliana very happy.

Her thoughts crashed when a truck came speeding down the alleyway. It didn't take long for Jokerz to approach the truck. With a nod exchange between the duo, they jumped down from their spots.

"Drop it clown!" Batman called out as a batarang hit a weapon out of the Jokerz leader's hands. "The Batfreaks, let's smoke 'em!" The gang yelled out and ran to grab more guns. The vigilantes dodged all the gunfire and attacked Jokerz.

One shot hit the truck, causing a huge explosion that knocked all the Jokerz out. With them taken down, only the dealer was left. "Oh geez, what am I going to tell my suppliers," the dealer whined.

He foolishly tried to escape but was stopped by a punch from Nightwing. "Say you had a fire problem." Nightwing smiled at the dazed man. The heroes flew back up to a building as police filled the alley.

"Well, that's one arms shipment that'll never hit the streets," Batman commented before letting out a yawn.

"I think we should call it a night," Nightwing said tiredly.

And the two teenagers under the mask couldn't agree more.

"Good work," Bruce praised the two as they approached him.

"Thanks," Terry said through a yawn.

Bruce's expression shifted into concern, "Late nights too much for you?"

Terry chuckled, "The nights aren't tough. It's the mornings," he corrected.

'You can say that again', Eliana sighed.

She was not looking forward to the morning, especially school.


Eliana wasn't exactly shocked to see Terry sleeping in the middle of class the next day. Every time she would wake him up, he'd fall right back asleep when her back was turned. "Terry, you need to wake up!" Eliana quietly shook him. Terry swatted her hands away and yawned.

"How are you so awake? I can't even keep my eyes fully opened?" Terry questioned.

Eliana held up her coffee cup, "Four cups of coffee, that's how."

Sadly, even four coffees weren't enough as Eliana was still fatigued. A couple minutes later, the teacher woke Terry up. "Mr. Mcginnis, I see that gravity has gotten the better of you," he said non amused.

Before Terry could even register what was happening, the teacher continued, "I'm sorry that my tests aren't more stimulating. Perhaps this failure to perform file will get your attention. Take it home and have your mother scan it." Terry was about to speak up, but the bell ringing interrupted him.

"Geez, you both look like zombies. What gives?" Dana asked. The duo shrugged, "Late night," they said simultaneously. They were too tired to notice the suggestive smirk Dana gave them. "You know what you two need is a break. Why don't you come to the hockey game tonight after school?" Dana suggested. "Oh, I don't know, Dana, maybe we better pass," Eliana said nonchalantly. "Yeah, Eliana's right," Terry added.

They really hoped Dana would just let it be, but to their dismay, she pushed. "Don't be such buzzkills. You guys need some excitement in your lives," Dana said, dragging them by the arms.

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