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"It's a neglected sense, hearing, and it shouldn't be because all too often our first warning of danger is sound," a voice traveled throughout the room. Powers felt a shiver run down his spine at the eerie voice that rang out through the pitch dark room he was in.

Powers then heard a rattling sound but couldn't pinpoint what direction it came from. "Shreeve, what are you trying to do?" Powers asked, alarmed, but received no answer.

Then, a blinding light and the sound of a train horn appeared. "SHREEVE!" Powers screamed and cowered. Then the lights in the room turned on, and Walter Shreeve was visible. "See, Mr. Powers, just an illusion," Shreeve said, turning on his flashlight, which mimicked the train light.

Power quickly composed himself, "Yes, I knew that." Shreeve turned off his flashlight, "Of course, but after all the research money you've given me, I thought you deserved a demonstration," he said, walking towards a cupboard. "Frankly, I was hoping for more," Powers commented, unimpressed. 

"More you say?" Shreeve asked as he put on a helmet. Shreeve wore a white suit with bear-like gauntlets and a cyclops helmet. "Look at this sound suit that I've just finished. It's got 4 built-in sound generators -" Powers cut him off, "How is it any better than an old boombox?" Powers questioned uninterestedly.

"Different kind of boom, watch," Shreeve said. Shreeve aimed one of his gauntlets at a stone in the room and, using infrasonic frequencies, blew it up. "Imagine the time and effort this would save construction workers, road workers," Shreeve explained eagerly.

"Dynamite's cheaper," Powers boredly said. Shreeve tried to protest but was shot down, "Shreeve, you're just not a practical guy. All that's ever mattered to you is your research. This is why I had to bail out your company, and now it's time to see some return on my investment," Powers told Shreeve as he sat at his desk.

Suddenly, an idea came to Powers,
"Shreeve, I want you to solve a problem for me." "What?" Shreeve asked skeptically.

Powers smirked, "Not what, who?"


The next morning, Derek Powers found himself in a board of directors meeting listening to no other than Bruce Wayne. When Bruce heard the news of Powers planning to demolish Crime Alley, he immediately called a meeting to protest the idea.

"This company has always meant a great deal to me, but now I'm ashamed of it. Ashamed of the way it's forgotten its history, ashamed how it's going to rip the heart out of this city. I'm referring to a plan by the current leadership Wayne-Powers, to purchase Gotham cities Historical District and then bulldoze it to make room for another soulless industrial complex," Bruce said to the board in disgust.

The whole idea was revolting to him, and he wasn't going to let it be executed. "Is that what we want? Or do we want a city that remembers its history. A city where ideals flow from the past, defining our past and shaping our future," Bruce finished passionately. The board members immediately clapped at his presentation.

"The old boys are in rare form today!" a member boredly commented to Powers. "He's been on me for weeks about this, but it won't last much longer," Powers replied with a smile. "Why not?" The member asked curiously. Powers was about to explain but was curtly cut off by Bruce's authoritative voice. "Mr. Chairman I move we convene a stockholders meeting next week, so this matter could be put to a vote," Bruce requested to Powers.

With board members agreeing with the request, Powers had no choice but to grant the request. "Alright, I'll notify the stockholders. Meeting adjourned," Powers said with a bit of bitterness in his voice, which made Bruce smile innocently at the man.

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