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Terry and Eliana walked through their school's halls and paused when they saw a crowd of students staring at the ceiling. Curious, the teens joined the crowd and looked up to see the school's sports trophies mysteriously embedded into the ceiling.

"How the heck did they do that?" Dana asked out loud. Eliana had to crack a small smile at the prank. Coach Fitz, however, did not find it funny at all. "My trophies! It took me 20 years to win those trophies!" He exclaimed.

Walking away from the distraught coach, Terry spoke up, "Well, someone finally found a way to get to Coach Fitz."You know what they're saying, don't you? It's the work of the ghost, just like everything that's been happening around here," Chelsea said.

Eliana raised an eyebrow, "Ghost?" Since when has a ghost been rumoring around Hamilton Hill High?

Terry seemed to be just as out of the loop as her. The group stopped as Chelsea, Dana, and Max stared at them. "The ghost of Garrison Jacobs. The kid who was killed when they built the east wing," Chelsea explained. "Where have you two been the last two weeks? In a cave?" Dana accused.

Terry and Eliana chose not to answer the question.

"Isn't that just typical. A few strange, unexplainable events, and right away people start talking poltergeist," Max dismissed, grabbing some books from her locker. "How else do you explain the mangled lounge furniture? And the shop teacher's hair?" Chelsea asked. "The wind," Max responded dryly.

They approached the school's social computer as Max searched Garrison's profile. "Well, a lot of people believe it was Garrison, come back from the dead to haunt us," Dana told Terry and Eliana. When Garrison's profile came out, Max let out a low whistle, "That's him? Oh, la la"

Garrison was a fair skinned boy with short black hair and had a gold earring. Even Eliana had to admit the teen was attractive. "Top athlete in three sports. Lead guitarist in a band," Dana read out. "Not to mention drop-dead gorgeous. He can haunt my castle anytime," Chelsea added slyly.

Dana, Max, and Chelsea giggled while Terry looked away awkwardly, making his girlfriend join in on the giggling.


That evening, instead of focusing their attention on actual potential crime, Terry and Eliana chose to patrol Hamilton Hill. Terry is the most motivated in catching the school's "ghost."

Meanwhile, Dana, Chelsea, and Blade were at the school holding an ouija ceremony to summon the ghost. Eliana had been offered by Dana to join but declined. She had no interest in communicating with the dead.

As they were about to circle the school for the umpteenth time, Bruce voiced his displeasure. "Terry, Eliana, enough of this. You both should be down at the piers looking for smugglers. Not staking out your high school, waiting for petty vandals."

"Just one more sweep. If I can catch this so-called ghost in the act, I can prove it's all a hoax," Terry replied. "You've already invested too much time in this."

Just as Bruce said that, Terry stopped the batplane just outside some windows of the school gym. Flashing lights were coming from inside. "And it just paid off," Eliana said, her eyes narrowing.

The duo burst through the windows just in time to save Dana from getting hit by a flying chair. "Garrison, he's after Nelson!" Chelsea exclaimed, pointing to Nelson, who was being swarmed by multiple flying chairs. Nightwing quickly grabbed Nelson and tossed him to safety.

"Okay, Casper, take it down a notch, will ya," she quipped. "Yeah. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you want Nelson, you're gonna have to me," Batman added. It seemed the ghost was up to the challenge. Some rope flew across the room and tied up Nightwing, while Batman was slammed into the ground by a table.

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