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On a thunderstorming night, Batman and Nightwing were overlooking what seemed to be an illegal exchange. 

“Big shipment. Armed guards. Late night. What are the chances this little transaction is legal?” “It does check all the boxes,” Nightwing commented dryly. But there was a nagging feeling in her stomach. Everything was laid out for them in plain sight…it was a little too perfect. 

“Just make sure you two know what you're up against before you jump in.” “Don’t worry, B, we got it covered.” Slipping into the warehouse undetected, the duo watched the exchange go down. They intervened right before the transaction could be completed. Batman subdued the seller by tying him up with a bola.

Batman and Nightwing flew down, dodging laser fire and taking down the rest of the thugs. Nightwing landed right by the fallen seller as he sneered at her, “You idiots, you’re ruining everything!” 

That nagging feeling returned, and she questioned the criminal, “What do you mean?” Nightwing didn’t get to hear the answer as she had to move from being hit by laser fire. At one point, she and Batman had to take cover behind a few crates of explosives, giving the criminals time to reach their getaway car.

Batman pushed the crates towards the speeding car. The gang fired at the crates, and they exploded. Distracted by the huge explosive, the hero did not jump away in time and collided with the front of the car. Batman was sent flying into the seller's shipping container.

It unlocked, and an army of police officers shuffled out from it and fired at the escaping criminals, but they got away. Nightwing closed her eyes, sighing. Now she understood the man’s words. They had just interrupted an undercover police operation.

The last to exit the container was Commissioner Barbara Gordon, and she was not happy. “They blew the whole sting Commissioner,” the undercover cop told his superior. “I’m sorry. We didn’t know,” Batman apologized. Barbara’s eyes narrowed, “Sorry doesn’t begin to cut it,” she said before walking away. 


Bruce was already prepared for a late night visit once he received the news from Eliana. Barbara took a sip of her tea, “Not bad.” “I learned from the best. If only I could figure out how he made those little tea cakes,” Bruce replied, smiling as he thought of his old friend. “Crumpets,” Barbara corrected. “Right, crumpets.”

Bruce set down his cup, “All right, we made the requisite small talk.” It was time to get to the real reason behind their encounter. “Did they tell you what happened?” Bruce averted his eyes, “I heard some mistakes were made.”

Barbara scoffed, “Mistakes? It took us 12 months to set up the sting! Men put their lives on the line for it.” “They are still learning,” Bruce excused. Barbara stood up and began to pace. “Eliana I can forgive, but the boy I can’t. He’s a hothead. I’ve been doing some checking on him.”

“I know about his record,” Bruce interrupted. Barbara turned to him, crossing her arms, “3 months at juvie. Another mistake, I suppose. He seems to make a lot of them.” She got up into Bruce’s face, “Just make sure this one was his last.”

Before she left, Barbara had one last parting sentiment. “Eliana’s close with the boy, and I know they're involved. Youthful love and idolization can cloud judgment, believe me, I know, so just make sure he doesn’t drag her down with him.”


The next night, a benefit dinner was being held for the reelection of District Attorney Sam Young. Barbara was among the many who spoke in Sam’s favor. 

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